Scariest Thing I Ever Saw: “Super 8” Viral Campaign Launched Corey, May 7, 2010October 18, 2011 A few days ago, it was announced that a new mysterious project from J.J. Abrams called Super 8 was debuting its teaser trailer in front of Marvel Studio’s Iron Man 2. Originally speculated to be a prequel or sequel to 2008’s Cloverfield, the news hit the internet by storm and got everyone to question what this new project was about. At first it was rumored to be a Cloverfield prequel and was set to take place in the 70s or 80’s revolving around kids that find an alien in a frame of their 8mm camera, hinted by the name Super 8, but this was soon debunked and the trailer was leaked onto the internet. You can watch the leaked trailer again and see the viral website after the jump. I sadly enough didn’t get to see the trailer in front of Iron Man 2, but luckily the bootlegged version made it’s way online, which I caved in and had to watch (and you can to right above). I was pretty impressed with the trailer, and it totally gave me the feel of the Cloverfield teaser that debuted in front of Transformers back in 2007. It’s also a sigh of relief for me that this isn’t Cloverfield 2, as all Hollywood does these days is make remakes and sequels. Super 8 is a movie that reflects back to the better times of cinema, an homage to Super 8 producer Steven Spielberg and sci-fi movies in general. The teaser itself felt like Close Encounters of The Third Kind mixed with Alien. Earlier today, the Official website for Super 8 popped up online, and like the original website that kicked off the Cloverfield viral campaign, it is simple and very mysterious. Thanks to Super 8 News and their detective work with the people over at the Unfiction boards, they soon discovered the website titled Scariest Thing ieversaw. On the site is a PDP-11 computer, made back in the 70s, and while it’s not scary, it looks to be very interactive. I recommend you check out Super 8 News‘s awesome look into this new viral website, in which they break down how they found it and what their investigation of the site found. The site has only just launched, and the long and dreadful task of waiting begins. Be sure to keep an eye on Super 8 as it develops! Once most of the analysis comes in, we’ll break down the viral site more to see what we can gleam from it. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Cloverfield 2J.J. AbramsSteven SpielbergSuper 8
Moonrise Kingdom Wants Your Help Designing “For Your Consideration” Posters November 8, 2012November 8, 2012You know awards season is approaching when the phrase “For Your Consideration” starts popping up everywhere. 2012’s most well-regarded films have begun crafting their print and online advertising campaigns to best appeal to awards voters for nominations. One film expected to receive awards love, Wes Anderson’s Moonrise Kingdom, is taking… Read More
“Gone Girl” Viral Marketing Campaign Has Evidence Of A New Trailer July 5, 2014July 6, 2014David Fincher has embraced the way films films are virally markerted, and as such each and every one of his films are promoted in unique and ingenious ways. The Social Network‘s marketing resembled Facebook’s website, while The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo had a razor sharp dark tone. Now the… Read More
The Buzz: Man of Steel, Star Wars, Spider-Man, and More! June 22, 2013The Buzz is a feature in which we round up the Top 3 most-buzzed-about movie/TV stories of the week (in more-or-less chronological order). Why go through pages of blogs just to find out what everyone is talking about? We’ve got it all right here in The Buzz. Read More
Hi I went to the virul super 8 website and followed a series of commands. Then it offered me 3 choices, to press E to execute, or commit to Tape or P for print so I hit print. And this is what I got through ON my printer from the site –STOP POSTING PUBLICLY. I CAN ANSWER YOUR QUESTIONS. I HAVE PROOF.
ok so i just waited like an hour for the countdown to finish but it “timed out”, and of course when i refresh I get the same thing… someone who knows a lot more about computers better figure this out because im quite peeved
when you get to the command screen drag it to the side and behind it should be a box asking you to send somehting to your printer. what will print is this.. Stop posting publicly. I can answer your questions. I have proof. >>>>
You can also drag the box that asks you to send something to your default printer and behind it you will find a folder called “Braegan14”. Inside the folder is a file called “expcnv.dat” ?????? Any thoughts?
As said by SCOT earlier, if you type .exec expcnv it kinda works, but then it asks u to enter a path for an external drive… the only thing i was able to look up with braegen 14 is that it was a type of disk drive, i guess from the Soundstream digital editing system which consisted of a Digital Equipment PDP 11/60the .reenter option also works, but it asks u to mount a device, so yeah… that’s pretty much it