Viral Videos: “Get Out of There” and “Ignore Stephen Baldwin, Restore Joss Whedon” Dan Koelsch, May 10, 2010November 23, 2010 Just over a month ago, we posted a video that went through Arnold Schwarzenegger’s best movie quotes, and now the group at Pajiba are back with a montage of all the times “get out of there” is said on screen. Also, in retaliation against the Restore Stephen Baldwin movement, the creative group The Big Honkin’ think Joss Whedon deserves restoration more. Check out both videos after the break. (See Baldwin version here) Do you know of a funny, interesting, or plain crazy viral video that you think we should feature? Email us and we’ll give you credit! Viral Marketing Joss WhedonPajibaStephen BaldwinViral video
Marvel Offers Free First Issue of “Avengers” Prelude Comic February 8, 2012February 8, 2012Marvel Comics is aiming to bridge the gap between Captain America: The First Avenger and The Avengers with a tie-in mini-series. On Sunday, they released the first issue of Marvel’s The Avengers Prelude: Fury’s Big Week. After the break, find out more about this series as well as get a… Read More
Watch This: How it Should of Ended’s take on the ‘Avengers: Age of Ultron’ Teaser October 31, 2014October 31, 2014 By now you’ve seen Marvel’s chilling teaser trailer for Avengers: Age of Ultron (with “There are No Strings on Me” from Disney’s Pinocchio) . So of course the awesome crew over at How It Should Have Ended have taken that and ran with it, and the results are hilarious. Read More
Super Bowl Ads To Have a Right-Wing Skew February 2, 2010February 2, 2010Super Bowl XLIV isn’t until Sunday, but there’s already been a lot of talk about the Super Bowl commercials. Companies spend millions of dollars just to get their ads on the highest-rated telecast every year, and the commercials usually end up being more memorable than the game itself. In fact,… Read More