Super 8 Trailer Breakdown and Analysis Dan Koelsch, May 12, 2010May 13, 2010 The countdown is still a few days away (update: or is it?), so we have a bit of time on our hands in the Super 8 viral. Let’s take a closer look at the trailer, thanks in part to our friends at Unfiction and Super 8 News. While a lot of what goes on is either straightforward or a blur, there’s definitely a few tidbits to pull out of it. Join us in taking a closer look at the Super 8 trailer after the break. The ObviousLet’s get this out of the way first. The trailer shows a train speeding down the tracks at night. A truck breaks through a crossing arm and drives down the tracks directly at the train. The truck rams into the train head first, causing an explosion. The truck is ripped apart, and the train derails, causing major destruction. One the turned cars of the train starts to make noise, and we hear pounding as the wall becomes deformed until it looks to break open, then a flash of images turn into the lens of a Super 8mm camera. The titles on the screen read:IN 1979, THE AIR FORCE CLOSED A SECTION OF AREA 51. ALL MATERIALS WERE TO BE TRANSPORTED TO A SECURE FACILITY IN OHIO. FROM PRODUCER STEVEN SPIELBERG. AND DIRECTOR J.J. ABRAMS. NEXT SUMMER. IT ARRIVES. SUPER 8.As you can guess, there’s more to the trailer than that simple explanation, so let’s dig a little deeper. THE TRUCK AND OHIOWhat could this “secure facility in Ohio” be, and where along the way might the train have crashed? Thanks to a relatively clear shot of the truck’s Ohio license plate, we know the train almost made it to its destination (Area 51 is in the middle of Nevada, almost 2,000 miles away from the Ohio border), so the movie most likely takes place somewhere in the Buckeye State. The train’s likely destination might actually help us narrow down the location even more. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base looks to be the best option, especially since it sits right on a major railway. The base is just outside Dayton, which is near the western border of Ohio, so they were real close. Unfiction even found a train derailment in Oxford, Ohio in 1979 that seems to fit nicely. Since the viral seems to be using a real person (Dan Morris), maybe a real train accident is also part of it. We have further confirmation of the location from the radio transmission we hear:“Groom Lake One, Wright-Patt (something) [SITREP?] ETA. Over.” “Wright-Patt, Groom Lake One actual. Cargo intact, ETA on schedule.” “Copy Groom Lake One, expect your..OH MY GOD.”Speaking of the truck, why was it on the tracks anyway? It obviously wasn’t an accident, as the truck deliberately broke through the crossing arm and headed right for the train, not turning away even at the last second. Though it’s hard to tell, it doesn’t look like anyone was chasing the truck, so was it simply a suicide, or was the driver trying to derail the train on purpose for some reason? This might be an interesting plot point in the viral or the movie (depending on when movie starts off from). Based on the “E 6425K” license plate, we know the truck was registered in the Akron area, though that might not be significant. THE WRECKAGELet’s take a closer look at the wreckage. The first thing that gets your attention is the soon-to-be-aggressively-massaged train car, but the wreckage itself has some interesting clues. First, if look at the image above, you’ll see in the bottom lefthand corner a computer terminal that looks somewhat like the PDP-11 model that is featured on the Super 8 viral site. Also, many have noticed a set of numbers on the (telephone?) pole leaning across the frame. It looks to be either “2147044”, “21+70+4”, or something similar, but no meaning has been found for any of the possible combinations. As far as the car goes, the only real interesting thing is the word “BONHAM”, which is a bit of a puzzle. There’s only two references to Bonham and the Air Force (there are none connecting Bonham with trains). The first one is a missile range and base in Hawaii, and the other is Bonham, Texas, where Perrin Air Force Base is located. However, the Hawaii base was turned over to the Navy 13 years before the movie takes place, and Perrin closed down 8 years before. THE BLUE FRAMESIntercut throughout the trailer are weird frames that are blue with white and black. They images are distinct yet abstract, and it’s hard to make anything out of them. They are basically a Rorschach test, with each person seeing something different, though everyone probably sees the alien head in the first one. These may just be just a simulation of warped film reels to give it a more gritty and timely appearance, but you never know. Check out the more clear frames below. THE CAMERA ZOOM OUTAt the end of the trailer, we zoom out of a camera lens just before the “thing” has a chance to break out of the train car. There are images in the lens (seen above), but from what I can tell, they are just images from the wreckage. However, right at the beginning of the explosive transition, there’s the following image that looks like a child’s face (which we showed before from the bootleg version). Of course, our eyes could just be playing tricks on us, or we could just be looking too deep into these. Things check out the Unfiction forums for a lot more analysis and speculation, and let us know what you found, as well as what you think about what’s already been “found”, in the comments below. Keep up with our Super 8 coverage by going to our Super 8 Viral Page. Viral Marketing Super 8Trailer
LOST Viral Video Round-Up May 22, 2010May 21, 2010The series finale is tomorrow, and there is a plethora of LOST content on the web. We’ve tried to wrangle up some of the best videos for your viewing pleasure, as well as guide you in the right direction for even more. Check out what we caught after the break. Read More
“Gone Girl” Viral Marketing Campaign Has Evidence Of A New Trailer July 5, 2014July 6, 2014David Fincher has embraced the way films films are virally markerted, and as such each and every one of his films are promoted in unique and ingenious ways. The Social Network‘s marketing resembled Facebook’s website, while The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo had a razor sharp dark tone. Now the… Read More
District 9 Interview Videos July 23, 2009January 16, 2010If you head over to, you will see they have loaded up videos of 6 new interviews. However, this time they look to be interviewing people OUTSIDE of Johannesburg, and none of them seem to care for the Non-Humans. I apologize, but I can’t get them to not auto-run. Read More
I’ve noticed something that I don’t think have been mentioned before. If you look at the “bolts” or whatever at the door, they seem to be flying off without reason. Maybe the creature generates some kind of magnetic field?
also, if the creature is beating the door, why is the wheel on the door spinning progressively faster? Magnetic field seems reasonable
Since I came across the trailer online last night I’ve been captivated by the visual stimulation and mystery of this ‘teaser’.I decided, like others, to do some frame-by-frame investigation of my own, particularly during the flashing sequences. I used the HD version of the trailer and a 54″ HD TV to get up close to the imagery. There’s one still-frame I have yet seen anyone discuss in more detail when I google about this trailer.The image I am referring to is the last still ‘blue frame’ pic that you have above (Time: 1:26). The image you have posted is not as clear as what I am able to project on my HD TV.I can clearly see, without question, a human form from waist-up, high wavy hair, long face with chalky complexion, glowing eyes, arms extended crucify style with the entire figure draped in what appears to be a large, full-body white drape with large black circles embroidered in it. This drapery over the form is very large, extending toward the background of the character in waves. Almost angelic stance, but demon-like appearance. This character takes up practically the entire shot.It’s plain as day and I’m certain if we can get a slightly clearer and larger image posted maybe someone will recognize this ‘character’ and shed some more light on the story behind this movie.I’d like to add, in closing, that it appears that this demon looking character looks to be frozen in ice; captured in hibernation maybe. You can also see to the far top-right of this frame what appears to be a chest or coffin with what ‘may’ be a severed lower leg with foot resting on top of it.I’d be happy to provide this description alongside my image capture outlining what I am describing if necessary.Comments????
I see what you’re getting at, but I think it’s a stretch. JJ didn’t hide the monster in any of Cloverfield’s viral or teasers, so I don’t think he’s going to start now.
GO TO To get depper into this….if you think you can help figure this out, that website is the next step
Ummmm…JJ had an image of the Cloverfield monster on the poster. Was there the whole time if I’m not mistaken. It was in the clouds.
I just spotted a picture of an old ufo photograph. 5th picture up from the bottom. Smack dab in the middle, third of the way up. I know this photograph from reading ufo books as a kid. The ufo is tilted sideways. What do you think?
So, i have a question what is with the frame on the Wreckage when it comming up you can see 2 Plates or marker´s and they are two Words i´ve made some screenshots and edited them in PS but i cant read them. Maybe you guys take a look on them and maybe they are important =)