Viral Video: Gritty Superhero Reboot Dan Koelsch, May 12, 2010 College Humor has a great parody video that uses a medical emergency as a metaphor for how studios go about rebooting their franchises. This one in particular is in regards to Spiderman, as the doctor accurately explains all the problems with the third film in the franchise (which is why Sony is rebooting). See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Viral Marketing SonySony PicturesSpidermanViral video
This Week in Viral: Week of 6/15/09 June 21, 2009June 29, 2009This week has been a great one for us here at Here’s a little sum up of what happened, for your viewing pleasure. First off, and most importantly, was featured in the LA Times. If you haven’t seen it yet, take a look. But now on to the… Read More
UK Zombie Film ‘Devil’s Playground’ Goes Viral August 28, 2010August 28, 2010Devil’s Playground is a UK film that is set to be released on DVD on October 11th. It stars a bunch of people you’ve never heard of, and looks to be a standard zombie flick. However, the people behind the film have made a pretty cool viral site that looks… Read More
Does 3D Projection Mapping Have A Future In Film Marketing? April 25, 2011As marketing firms continue to discover new and inventive ways to use 3D technology in their campaigns, one area that has garnered notable attention within the past year is 3D projection mapping. Like something out of a wild Disney ride, buildings can now appear completely transformed thanks to the use… Read More