Viral Video: Gritty Superhero Reboot Dan Koelsch, May 12, 2010 College Humor has a great parody video that uses a medical emergency as a metaphor for how studios go about rebooting their franchises. This one in particular is in regards to Spiderman, as the doctor accurately explains all the problems with the third film in the franchise (which is why Sony is rebooting). See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor. Viral Marketing SonySony PicturesSpidermanViral video
Watch Episode 2 of “The Beauty Inside” August 23, 2012Toshiba and Intel’s social film The Beauty Inside debuted its second episode today. Learn more about the project and how you can get involved by checking out their Facebook page, and watch the episode after the jump. Read More
Comic-Con: ‘9’ Viral in San Diego July 14, 2009June 6, 2010For those of you attending Comic-Con, the upcoming film 9 will have a mini viral campaign over the 4-day span. Take a ride on the 9 San Diego Pedicabs and be the first to see exclusive videos and content for 9 when you unlock the QR code. Make sure you… Read More
Guns Depots, Meds, Food, and More Are All Available on the Map of the Dead App April 13, 2012December 27, 2012It’s always good to plan ahead. It will pay tenfold when the zombie apocalypse happens. Even with the fortified shelter, how do you find the necessary supplies to sustain yourself and others? That’s where the Map of the Dead, the latest Zombie Apocalypse Survival App, comes into play. Using the… Read More