Ridley Scott and Kevin MacDonald Teaming Up With YouTube To Make User-Generated ‘Life in a Day’ Dan Koelsch, July 7, 2010 Back in April, we reviewed the documentary 140 as part of our Newport Beach Film Festival coverage. The concept was to have 140 people film 140 seconds at the exact same time, in order to get a snapshot of the world at one moment. While the doc was made by an amateur filmmaker, it looks like some more high profile entities are looking to do something similar. YouTube is teaming up with producer Ridley Scott (Alien, Gladiator) and director Kevin MacDonald (The Last King of Scotland, State of Play) to bring you “Life In A Day“, made by you, and sponsored by LG. The documentary looks to showcase a day in the life of the real people in the YouTube community, to be filmed on a single day (June 24th). Check out the promotional video below. Think of it as sort of a time capsule for future historians. Billing this as a “historic cinematic experiment”, YouTube is looking premiere the finished documentary at next year’s Sundance Film Festival. In fact, 20 of the chosen collaborators will get to help present the film at Sundance. To get more information on the film and how to participate, click here. Contests Fan Made Work Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos 140DocumentaryFan MadeKevinMacDonaldLife in a DayRidley ScottYouTube
Viral Video Roundup: “Star Wars”, “Game of Thrones”, Batman, And More! June 22, 2014The Internet is full of videos related to movies and television, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest. In this week’s edition: Disney’s Star Wars, Game of Thrones smack talk, and you thought Ben… Read More
How to Ruin a Viral: Make It “Official” May 27, 2009July 18, 2010What’s the best way to ruin a viral for a film? Slap the film’s logo on it. Read More
Iron Man 2 Clues Solved and First Trailer Revealed! December 16, 2009December 16, 2009Well, that was pretty simple. Latino Review received the fourth and final clue for the Iron Man 2 mini-viral, and the mystery was solved pretty easily. In the new photo (below), we have yet another word highlighted, this time “revealed”. That makes all the highlighted words put together mean “Stark… Read More
This was done back in 2004 by Satellite Films. See http://www.momentonearth.com/ 60 Filmmakers, 60 Seconds, One Moment on Earth.