The Social Network Has Second Teaser Dan Koelsch, July 8, 2010July 8, 2010 Just a few weeks ago we revealed the first teaser trailer for David Finch’s The Social Network, which is about the controversial rise of Facebook. Now a second trailer is out, and while it’s similar to the first in that it’s just audio and images (no footage), it stylishly uses the Facebook interface to tell the story. Take a look below. Source: Collider News Social Networks FacebookThe Social NetworkTrailer
“Apollo 18” Trailer to Debut This Weekend In Front of “I Am Number Four” February 17, 2011February 18, 2011It was not as exciting as we were hoping, but the film’s Twitter account has announced that the first trailer for Apollo 18 will be shown in front of Touchstone Pictures’ I Am Number Four, which opens in theaters tomorrow. If you see the trailer this weekend, let us know… Read More
“The Amazing Spider-Man” Viral Begins Twitter Scavenger Hunts February 10, 2012March 21, 2012When the theatrical trailer for The Amazing Spider-Man earlier this week, a hidden message was spotted toward the end. When plugged into a web address, a site was discovered with six video screens filled with static and the new film’s logo. Nobody had any clue what this was for…until tonight…. Read More
Help Choose The Ending of the “Clue”-centric 100th Episode of the TV Show “Psych” March 25, 2013To celebrate the 100th episode of the long-running USA comedic detective series Psych, they’re allowing fans to dictate how the show ends live on the air. To find out more about the episode and how you can participate in the vote this Wednesday, hit the jump for details. Read More