New iPhone Tron Legacy Application Nick Butler, July 19, 2010July 19, 2010 A Tron Legacy application was released by Disney yesterday on the iTunes App store, and it can be yours for free. While we still have months before the film comes out, you can jump right into the Tron experience with some fun single and multiplayer games. After the jump see some screenshots of the game and discover the hidden message contained within the description of this application. The description of the application contains a hidden message that, when deciphered, reads:This TRON app will evolve. ComiTRON coming 072210Below are some screenshots of the game.You can download the application here. Viral Marketing applicationiPhoneTron Legacy
The Office: Updates to Ryan’s Photo Blog November 14, 2009November 14, 2009As we reported last week, NBC’s The Office has a new viral website for the character Ryan Howard (B. J. Novak). The site is Ryan’s photo blog, where he periodically updates with new pictures and responses to comments. The site ties into the show pretty nicely, since Ryan actually talks… Read More
The Soapbox: Remakes And How People React To Them June 29, 2009June 29, 2009Recently, Ive noticed a certain amount of bitching stemming from announced remakes, such as ‘Flight of the Navigator’ and ‘Total Recall’. My question for the week is, why do people bitch about remakes? Remakes are both a good and a bad thing. On one hand, remakes allow talented filmmakers to… Read More
Back to Work: Viral Marketing in The Office August 30, 2009August 30, 2009Like many, I am a huge fan of NBC’s The Office. Season six of the award winning comedy begins September 17th, and I thought it would be helpful to highlight some of the viral goodies on display for fans that need a fix before the premiere… More than any other… Read More