Godzilla Returns to Comic-Con Scott Caldwell, July 24, 2010July 24, 2010 Do you remember a while back when augmented reality was all the rage? Well, it was all the rage for about two weeks. Sorry, we thought it was going to be a lot bigger than they made it seem to be. So can it come back? Can a can of soda become viral like you have always wanted it to be? Can this mildly used form a of viral bring back a monster from the historical dead? Can it scream a roar that is known from all monster fans, from every part of the continent? Keep reading to find out more… Monsters make good viral. It’s proven. Whether you go back to Cloverfield ,or you go to the new film, well… simply called Monsters, they have what it takes to give a film that “need to see” sort of feeling. Let’s face it… you hear certain roars, you are going to run to your TV screen, you are going to pay attention to your movie theater, and now….. you are going to look out for your augmented reality t-shirt? After the return of Godzilla in 1998, the franchise has somewhat died. Let’s face it, that film did nothing for the franchise, or the fans. With nothing but hopes and dreams, it seems that there is a light on the horizon. A light that is shined straight from the monster and into the world of Comic-Con. So what is going to happen to Godzilla (Gojira)? Yes, that is right… I said Godzilla. Is he going to take back his thrown of “monster”? We’ve seen films such as Cloverfield and The Mist try to come in and take such title, but do they have what it takes to steal history? Up and til now, they did. But things could change in regards to a t-shirt, Comic-Con, and Legendary Pictures. Are they going to bring back the monster that started it all, or is it a t-shirt created by a fan of Godzilla? Stay tuned to find out more. Check out what your T-shirt can do! So is Godzilla coming back, or is this a fan made shirt that welcomes in Comic-Con 2010? Let us know what you think, below.Source: KaijuCast and Cookson Comic-Con Conventions Events Fan Made Work News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos
You Can Storyboard “Super 8” September 1, 2011Briefly: Super 8 has now been released in theaters everywhere around the world, but we have one more web development to share with you. The film’s UK site allows you to create or collaborate on a storyboard yourself using elements from both Super 8 and “The Case”, the film within… Read More
Three New 2012 TV Teasers October 27, 2009October 28, 20092012, hmmm. More than any other film this year that I can think of 2012 seems to be polarising opinion. I’m torn myself, because on the one hand, it stars an all time favourite actor of mine, but on the other hand, well, there’s a car driving off of plane!… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Corridor Digital July 3, 2012July 2, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
Someone's been slowpoking hard. Legendary Pictures announced their new Godzilla movie several months ago. Not to mention the series of Godzilla films between Godzilla 2000 and Final Wars…
someone's also been slow poking as to the point to viral marketing. Talking about a film means nothing until you actually do something about it.
“Do you remember a while back when augmented reality was all the rage? Well, it was all the rage for about two weeks. Sorry, we thought it was going to be a lot bigger than they made it seem to be”Your lack of understanding the long view is astounding, It's only just now gathering it's commercial momentum.
I Love Godzilla, An yes the last American Attempt by Roland Emmerich in 1998 nearly killed the Franchise it was so fucking terrible. What a disgrace…This looks awesome, updated yes but still resembles the Iconic Japanese Character, an actually has his trademark atomic breath. So as long as they stick close to source material i think Godzilla could easily make a comeback an show he is without question the ONLY TRUE KING OF THE MONSTERS!