Another Inception Parody: Contraception Dan Koelsch, August 9, 2010 As to be expected, we’ve seen a lot of Inception parodies since Christopher Nolan’s large scale dream movie was released last month. Fortunately, they are mostly still funny, like this recent video from Bath Boys Comedy, in which the Leo DiCaprio character specializes in a very different type of security. Vaginal security. Check it out after the break. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos ContraceptionInceptionparodyViral video
Graffiti Style “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” Posters Are Tagged On The Streets Of Los Angeles June 9, 2014June 9, 2014Part of the art of marketing is based on how awesome your poster looks. Floating heads, back turned, poster drenched in colored hues, all of it are a staple of the contemporary movie poster. But since people have noticed just how dull some of these posters can be and just… Read More
“Community” Background Storyline Finds Life Online October 13, 2010One of the great things about the Internet is its ability to highlight things that would otherwise go unnoticed. This has had great political and business ramifications, but has mainly impacted electronic media. Shows like LOST, which pack of lot of information into a single show or even scene, can… Read More
Toy Story 3 Videos: Ken’s Dating Tips June 20, 2010Earlier this week, we got to see more of the new character Ken from Toy Story 3 thanks to a short series called “Ken’s Dating Tips” on the Disney Pixar YouTube page. The film is doing great this weekend, and some of that may be due to the popularity of… Read More