The Virginity Hit Can Help You……. Well, You Know. Scott Caldwell, August 13, 2010August 13, 2010 What started as “a film is being shown at Comic-Con! Hurry!” has also turned into one of the hottest talks of the last day of Comic-Con. Now, granted virgins and Comic-Con go hand in hand like a virgin’s hand in………. well, I’m pretty sure you get the point, but there is something different about this virgin. This virgin has the backing of some pretty big names. Names that will get The Virginity Hit where it needs to be, if it hasn’t gone the distance already. Keep reading to get off, I mean, keep reading if you’re lonely.. damn, to find out more. As one who did not make it to San Diego this year, the one thing that sticks out (pun intended) are all of the tweets and chatter about The Virginity Hit, and the names Will Ferrell and Adam McKay, who have their names plastered all over hits like Eastbound & Down, The Other Guys, and Funny or Die, and how great this film was. So how do those who weren’t knee deep in cosplay get to know about this film? Well, you have tweets, you have hilarious trailers, and you have the help of a toll free number to get you out of a jam, and into a……… what rhymes with jam, and is synonymous with getting stuck in things? Oh, never mind. Just call 888-743-4335 and Zack will give you the scoop. Granted, Zack, whom I will call “the new Jonah Hill”, leads you in circles in this call, but it does give you some funny stuff to listen to. You also get this back and forth on Zack Chat that you can find on the main site, TheVirginityHit, all while listening to some awesomely hypnotic background music.And, what would a viral be without some good ol’ Twitter accounts. We’ve talked about Zack earlier, who’s Twitter account can be found here, but we also get to see his buddy, who’s the virgin, well his account is here.Not a lot to go on at the moment, however it’s a start. Or a filler. Who knows. Follow the tweets to find out if anything happens before the (I’m pretty sure, limited) release in 2010. Comic-Con Conventions Events Viral Marketing Viral News Adam McKayComic-ConThe Virginity HitWill Ferrell
Super 8: Rocket Poppeteers Website Updates, Accepting Applications July 28, 2010October 18, 2010Following a brief stint at Comic-Con, the Rocket Poppeteers are at it again, this time updating their website and accepting new applications. The website also hints at game (I assume) they’ll release soon, with the home page reading “FLY THE ROCKET SSF1 – COMING SOON“. See some screenshots and more… Read More
Harry Potter Auto-Tuned November 28, 2010Sick of Auto-Tune yet? Of course not! A site called Norwegian Recycling has made a music video of sorts that uses dialogue from all the Harry Potter films in a “Auto-Tune The News” kind of way. With Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 still tearing up the charts… Read More
The Underworld Hacks “Real Steel” Press Kits September 8, 2011September 7, 2011Our friends over at FusedFilm got a pretty cool Real Steel press kit on Wednesday that actually involves the World Robot Boxing viral campaign we have been covering. It looks like an anti-WRB group called “The Underworld” has found a way to make its presence known. Read More