Fan Made: Tron Hoodie and District 9 Computer Dan Koelsch, August 20, 2010 Today we’ve got some cool fan made productions for two of our biggest films we’ve covered. First, a few months ago, MNPC Tech did a computer mod on a Cooler Master 840 ATCS, and they chose a District 9 theme. You can follow how they did it here, and see a few pictures of the computer, as well as a video of the build, after the break. Also after the break are some photos of a really cool concept hoodie (and a t-shirt, though that didn’t catch my eye much) that Nicholas Miller designed after Tron Legacy. Thanks to Caleb on Twitter for finding the Tron story. Fan Made Work Viral News ClothesComputer ModDistrict 9Fan MadeTron Legacy
Valentine’s Day Infographic Shows How Technology Is New Cupid February 11, 2013February 11, 2013Valentine’s Day is almost here yet again, and making the day special for a significant other is hard work. Fortunately, cellphones and the Internet have made it much easier in recent years, and a infographic from Mobistealth shows us how. Take a look after the break. Read More
Watch Vin Diesel Say “I Am Groot” In Five Different Languages July 30, 2014July 30, 2014Groot (voiced by Vin Diesel) is a tree alien humanoid who only says “I am Groot.” As a alien of few words, it be interesting to see or hear what it’s like to speak those three words in different languages. Well before the US release of Guardians of the Galaxy,… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Drive, Tom Selleck, Glee, James Franco, Black C-3PO, And More! September 25, 2011September 25, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More