Fan Made: Tron Hoodie and District 9 Computer Dan Koelsch, August 20, 2010 Today we’ve got some cool fan made productions for two of our biggest films we’ve covered. First, a few months ago, MNPC Tech did a computer mod on a Cooler Master 840 ATCS, and they chose a District 9 theme. You can follow how they did it here, and see a few pictures of the computer, as well as a video of the build, after the break. Also after the break are some photos of a really cool concept hoodie (and a t-shirt, though that didn’t catch my eye much) that Nicholas Miller designed after Tron Legacy. Thanks to Caleb on Twitter for finding the Tron story. Fan Made Work Viral News ClothesComputer ModDistrict 9Fan MadeTron Legacy
Loud Noises Possible Viral For “Godzilla” or “Cloverfield 2”? January 23, 2012January 27, 2012Sometimes strange videos hit the web and create an uproar. We’ve seen things from UFO’s hovering over football games to a man sawing a parking meter in half. The latest strange video making the rounds compiles footage from around the world in which a loud, mechanical sound is heard. Could… Read More
Watch Robocop Throw Out The First Pitch At A Detroit Tigers Game June 4, 2014June 4, 2014This week was to commemorate the unveiling of the Robocop statue that was built thanks to a Kickstarter launched by Imagination Station Detroit. But things did not go as scheduled. Originally Detroit was to celebrate Robocop day, a day that was completely dedicated to the iconic pop culture police officer… Read More
News Captain America Vs. Star Lord: Super Bowl Civil War January 19, 2015January 20, 2015Today Cap himself, Chris Evans tweeted at Chris Pratt a withdrawal of friendship as both their teams are going head to head at this year’s Super Bowl. In a fun exchange both supes engaged in friendly fire by geeking out over sports in the most marvelous way. Read More