Viral Video: Inception Trailer, 1950s Version Dan Koelsch, October 5, 2010 Youtube user krishnashenoi93 (via /Film) has made a really cool Inception trailer that is done in the style of the 1950s. I’ve seen a lot of parodies and remixes done to Inception, but this is one of the few really creative ones that is proficiently made. Check it after the break. Here is the author’s description of how they made the video:The audio is picked from the trailers of ‘Rear Window’, ‘Spellbound’ and ‘Vertigo’. The words are my own, but those are just like what they normally cover the entire screen with. Music from those three trailers too.It’s so fascinating to see how movie trailers have evolved over the years. See this video and see the real trailer; you can see how things have changed over half a century! Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos InceptionRemixTrailer
‘The Amazing Spider-Man 2’ Viral Site Delivers Its Verdict On The Lizard’s Crimes January 7, 2014January 7, 2014A new update to The Amazing Spider-Man 2 viral site is giving us some very unsurprising news: Dr. Curt Connors is heading Rikers. In a new article posted on The Daily Bugle tumblr, the blog reveals that the former OsCorp geneticist was found guilty on all twenty counts including the… Read More
ParkerPOV Viral Reveals Parker’s Schedule and the Hunt for The Lizard May 7, 2012May 10, 2012The Amazing Spider-Man is turning out to be the viral that we here at MovieViral have been waiting for. Like The Dark Knight viral that ran a few years back, fans of the franchise and viral enthusiasts are looking forward to the next great update for the highly anticipated movie…. Read More
YouTube Tuesday: Cruciatus December 4, 2012December 3, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More