Viral Video: Inception Trailer, 1950s Version Dan Koelsch, October 5, 2010 Youtube user krishnashenoi93 (via /Film) has made a really cool Inception trailer that is done in the style of the 1950s. I’ve seen a lot of parodies and remixes done to Inception, but this is one of the few really creative ones that is proficiently made. Check it after the break. Here is the author’s description of how they made the video:The audio is picked from the trailers of ‘Rear Window’, ‘Spellbound’ and ‘Vertigo’. The words are my own, but those are just like what they normally cover the entire screen with. Music from those three trailers too.It’s so fascinating to see how movie trailers have evolved over the years. See this video and see the real trailer; you can see how things have changed over half a century! Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos InceptionRemixTrailer
What Is It? No Really, That’s The Name Of The Video September 11, 2010September 11, 2010One of the coolest, and yet, at the same time, most annoying things, is looking at something for a long period of time, because you think something is there, or better yet, because you’re told something is there. That is exactly what is going on with what you are about… Read More
Another “The Social Network” Parody: Twitter Movie Trailer August 13, 2010August 13, 2010We’ve already seen YouTube version, so it was only a matter of time before we saw a Twitter parody of David Fincher’s The Social Network. The video is made by Indy Mogul in collaboration with Barely Political’s Mark Douglas. I actually find this to be pretty funny, but like the… Read More
Viral Video: “Transformers: Age Of Extinction” Shares Its Own Facebook Movie February 11, 2014February 11, 2014If you logged onto Facebook in the past few weeks, chances are you saw a friend post a Facebook movie, which encapsulated some of your best moments captured on Facebook. Now this was the celebrate the social media platform’s tenth birthday, and some turned there own Facebook movie into a… Read More