South Park Takes On Inception Dan Koelsch, October 21, 2010 I knew this day would come. Last night Comedy Central aired a new episode of South Park entitled “Insheeption”, which parodies the TLC show Hoarders and Christopher Nolan’s Inception. After Stan and Mr. Mackey are discovered to have hoarding problems, they are put into regressive therapy to find the source of their problem. However, they get stuck in Mackey’s dream, and it takes a lot of people, including the guys from Inception, to get them out. Watch one of the best clips after the break. InsheeptionTags: SOUTHPARKStan Marsh,Mr. Mackey,more… We’ve seen a few Inception parodies rag on how the film tries to pass off complexity for coolness or creative proficiency, but no one does it like South Park. I especially love the audio background provided by the one expert whenever they explain things. You can watch the full episode at South Park Studios. Viral News Viral Videos HoardersInceptionSouth Park
Updates To “Real Steel” Viral Reveal Background, Videos, and Photos of World Robot Boxing March 16, 2011Yesterday we told you about the viral website for Disney’s robot-boxing movie Real Steel. Now the site has been updated to include some viral videos and photos. Get the details after the break. Read More
Fan Made Work TIE Fighters Take Center Stage in Ambitious “Star Wars” Animated Fan Film March 25, 2015September 23, 2024Star Wars never really left our collective consciousness, but with Disney’s long-anticipated feature film plans finally coming to fruition, the Saga is about to come back in a big way. One consequence of the renewed interest in the franchise is that many fans will likely seek to develop their own… Read More
“Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral Campaign Wants Your Original Artwork! May 9, 2013May 9, 2013Briefly: We’ve been following the lackluster Star Trek Into Darkness Are You The 1701 campaign quite closely since it went live last week. The first “mission” was to submit pictures to Instagram and videos to Vine that were inspired by Star Trek or “the future.” 1701 fans were rewarded with… Read More