Tron Viral: Arcade Aid and Flynn Lives Updated, Mailed Prizes To Come? Dan Koelsch, October 22, 2010 Today we have a flurry of updates for the Tron Legacy viral campaign, though the biggest is for Arcade Aid, which saw a pretty sizable (not to mention fun) upgrade. The Flynn Lives website also got a few updates, so find out all the details after the break. First, Flynn Lives has been updated with a new promotional video from Comic-Con (featuring yours truly at a few points). The discussion boards have also been updated with three new threads, but none of them give us much information other than they are talking again, and something may happen soon. Now on to the interesting news. The website Arcade Aid was used back in March to get insider information on Encom International. On the surface, the site is for arcade-related repairs, but by completing “The Challenge Stage”, special Encom badges were unlocked. Now the site is back with a Version 2 of their arcade visual quiz game. The site update was found thanks to very cool mailings (as seen on FirstShowing). This time, instead of only 56 games to figure out, there are a whopping 167. As of the writing of this post, several people (specifically at Unfiction) have finished the puzzle, but there is no immediate prize. As Alex from FirstShowing suggests, the prize may come in the mail, which makes sense given Flynn Lives forum member ZackAttack tells everyone to make sure their addresses are up-to-date. As always, we’ll bring you any updates to this, including if I got something in the mail (I haven’t been able to check it since Wednesday). Follow our complete Tron Legacy viral campaign coverage here. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing ArcadeAidFlynn LivesTron Legacy
Viral Video Round Up: Looper, The Dark Knight Rises, The Newsroom, And More! September 2, 2012September 9, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Fan-Made “Hunger Games” ARG Launches June 14, 2011June 16, 2011A few days ago, we posted an article about what looked to be an official ARG for the upcoming film The Hunger Games, which comes out next year. We deleted the article after a Lionsgate rep told us that it was not official and possibly a scam to collect user… Read More
Inglourious Basterds: Making of Nation’s Pride September 13, 2009September 13, 2009As we reported early last month, Apple has on their site the trailer for Nation’s Pride, the fake film at the center of the Inglourious Basterds’ storyline. Apple released another featurette on Thursday for Quentin Tarantino’s Inglourious Basterds, which opened at the end of August. The featurette, titled “Making of… Read More