James Cameron and the Governator Reunite For Political Ad Michael Lee, October 30, 2010 MovieViral.com isn’t known for posting political new, but since this involves a certain governor and a director I think we can make an exception. The ad involves James Cameron and Arnold Schwarzenegger, who reunite but not to shoot a new Terminator sequel or a True Lies sequel, but to speak about a political ad urging Californians to vote against Proposition 23, a ballot initiative that would put California’s Global Warming Act of 2006 on hold. You can watch the ad after the jump. In the ad, Cameron calls Prop 23 “the ultimate real-life disaster…terminating our air pollution standards, sinking our clean energy economy, and exploiting out environment for profit.” Go to FactsOn23.com for more information on the proposition. Viral News Viral Videos Arnold SchwarzeneggerJames CameronPoliticsTerminatorViral video
April Fools Day Sweeps the Web and Google April 1, 2010June 12, 2010In case you weren’t aware, today is April Fools. The day actually has some horrific beginnings (as seen here), but in the 21st Century, it’s a great way to mess with people on the Internet. Check out some of the bigger and best April Fools pranks on the web this… Read More
“Threat Level Midnight” Website Goes Live After Latest ‘The Office’ Episode February 19, 2011If you have seen the latest episode of The Office, then you’re well aware of “Threat Level Midnight.” Michael Scott’s decade long film project about fictional secret agent Michael Scarn finally had its big premiere this past Thursday. In typical NBC fashion, a viral website for the film has been… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Marvel Universe, Teen Wolf Too, 30 Minutes or Less, Jurassic Park, and More! August 7, 2011October 18, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break.Pages: 1 2 Read More