“Skyline” Takes To YouTube For Final Marketing Push Dan Koelsch, November 12, 2010November 12, 2010 Universal Pictures’ and Rogue’s Skyline takes the latest trend in movies choosing high concept plots and stunning visuals over big names and takes it to the next level. The most recognizable name in the credits for this alien invasion film is probably Donald Faison of Scrubs fame, but the impressive special effects shown in trailers have garnered the film a lot of attention. With a budget of only $10 million, the strategy just might work. Now the marketing gurus are taking the film’s buzz straight to YouTube. YouTube star Philip Defranco has a Skyline playlist that consists of Skyline-related videos on four high profile accounts, two of which belong to him. The videos range from interviews (one of which includes how the low budget was achieved) to “How To Survive an ALIEN INVASION”. Check out all the videos below. You can also watch a recent Skyline-sponsored Kassem G video here. Skyline is directed by brothers Greg and Colin Strause, and written by Joshua Cordes and Liam O’Donnell. It opens in theaters today nationwide (and in the UK). Viral Marketing Viral Videos Phiip DeFrancoSkylinesxephilYouTube
Viral Videos: Resident Evil Literal Trailer and ’80s Bullies May 16, 2010Remember how awesomely bad movie bullies were in the Eighties? From Karate Kid to Teen Wolf, no high school or college movie could go without one. The Huffington Post has created a great montage of your favorite ’80s bullies. Popular YouTuber Tobuscus has a series in which he makes literal… Read More
“Carrie” Has Gone Missing! Are You Brave Enough To Enter Her House And Find Her? August 21, 2013Carrie has been bad apparently and her mother has locked her away inside the house somewhere. Are you brave enough to enter the home of Margaret White and find out what happened to Carrie? If so, hit the jump and start your search. Read More
Viral Video Round Up: Poltergeist, Willy Wonka, Charlie Sheen, Say Anything, Adjustment Bureau, and Tron March 4, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere inbetween. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More