Eli Roth To Make Fake “Clown” Trailer Into Real Movie Dan Koelsch, November 19, 2010 About a month ago, we told you about the fake trailer for a movie called Clown, in which a man puts on an evil clown outfit that eventually takes him over and turns him into a murderous monster. The trailer falsely credited Eli Roth as the man behind it. When Roth caught wind of the video, he loved it, apparently enough to now be making the concept into a full film. The trailer for Clown was made by a group of Brooklyn filmmakers called Waverly Films. In the video, a man finds a mysterious clown suit that he wears for his son’s birthday party after the real clown doesn’t show up. However, once the party is over, the suit starts to take the father over, becoming one with him, and turning him into a monster. The video quickly went viral, with people not knowing whether the trailer was real or not, especially given Roth’s particular style that includes the Grindhouse trailer “Thanksgiving”. Although Roth confirmed the video wasn’t from him, he was impressed. He approached Waverly Films to make the project a reality, with Jon Watts as director, and Christopher D. Ford writing with Watts. Below is what Roth had to say about the project.“I loved how ballsy they were, issuing a trailer that said, ‘From the Master of Horror, Eli Roth.’ Some people thought I’d made the movie, or that it was another fake Grindhouse trailer. The first thing they said was, ‘Thank you for not suing us, but I told them, ‘This is Hollywood, and while it’s tradition that every movie eventually ends up in a lawsuit, you only sue when you are fighting over profits. It’s no fun to sue before there’s any money.’ But I really felt these guys deserved a shot, and that people are truly freaked out by evil clowns. It’s new territory to make this a version of The Fly, where this guy can feel himself changing, blacking out only to find blood all over his clown suit. You’re sympathetic toward a monster until the monster actually takes over.” Source: JoBlo Viral News ClownEli Roth
Viral Video Round Up: Total Recall, SNL, Ryan Gosling, Star Wars, And More! November 27, 2011The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More
Climb The Wall: “Game Of Thrones 3D”Art Hit The Streets Of London February 19, 2014February 19, 2014To celebrate the release Game of Thrones: The Complete Third Season on DVD and Blu-ray, HBO Europe commissioned some incredible 3D mural in London for its marketing campaign. Hit the jump to check them all out, and to see what a couple of fans did to be a part of the… Read More
The 1701 Have Been Chosen in “Star Trek Into Darkness” Viral; New Trailer Debuting Tomorrow May 1, 2013May 1, 2013Last week, we reported that the long-dormant Star Trek Into Darkness viral site AreYouThe1701.com went live with a social media contest using Instagram and Vine. Paramount gave fans a week to enter the contest, where they had to take a picture or video inspired by Star Trek or “the future.”… Read More