Viral Video: Clips From “Airplane!” and “Naked Gun” In Honor of Leslie Nielsen Dan Koelsch, November 28, 2010November 28, 2010 Legendary comedic actor Leslie Nielsen died today at the age of 84. He leaves behind a great resume of deadpan parody that includes the great spoofs Airplane! and Naked Gun. After the break is a video I found that highlights some of best moments of the two movies, so that we can remember. If you haven’t seen these two movies or any of Nielsen’s work, I highly recommend it. News Viral News Viral Videos Airplane!Leslie NielsenNaked GunViral video
Preview “The Muppets” Soundtrack On YouTube and iTunes App Game November 18, 2011November 18, 2011The Muppets opens in theaters next Wednesday, and the soundtrack is released two days before (on Monday), but you have two ways to preview the music from the movie right now. Tap Tap Muppets, the latest title in the Guitar Hero-like mobile game series, is available on the iTunes App… Read More
New Secret J.J. Abrams Trailer Attached to Iron Man 2 – Supposedly for Cloverfield Prequel May 4, 2010June 15, 2011Earlier today, it was announced that J.J. Abrams was going to attach a trailer to Marvel Studios’ Iron Man 2. This morning we got word that a new trailer for a currently unknown movie will be shown with Iron Man 2 at its midnight showings across the United States. Iron Man 2… Read More
Everyone Goes Too Far In “Inside” Episode 6 August 3, 2011These recent episodes of The Inside Experience have been coming fast, and now we have Episode 6. This morning Christina woke up to find that her captor had recorded her (fortunately clothed) shower and put it on the Internet. Watch her extreme and unfortunate reaction after the break. Read More