TRON Video: Sam Meets Castor Dan Koelsch, December 9, 2010 Disney has released a new clip for TRON: Legacy in which Sam (Garrett Hedlund) meets Castor (Michael Sheen), a program who runs a pretty sweet nightclub on the Grid. Sam is looking for Zeus, who can supposedly help transport Sam to the other side of the Grid. Take a look after the break and let us know what you think. Viral Marketing Viral Videos ClipTron LegacyViral video
New ‘Apollo 18’ Poster Released March 2, 2011March 2, 2011While it may not be in English, we do have a pretty cool new poster for Apollo 18 that features the moon walker after that bug thing from the trailer attacks him. Take a look at the poster after the break. We also have the updated first poster featured on… Read More
The Office: Jim & Pam’s Wedding Site and More! September 22, 2009September 22, 2009NBC’s hit TV show The Office is well known for being one of the modern pioneers of viral content in the television industry. The show’s webisodes have been a hit with it’s fans, some of the characters are on Twitter, and NBC’s page for The Office has always had additional… Read More
Viral Video Round Up: @SleepySkunk, The Walking Dead, Captain Planet, And More! December 2, 2012The Internet is full of videos related to movies, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest, and today we do it again. Check out the latest viral videos after the break. Read More