Viral Video: “The Man Who Brought Us Here” Michael Lee, January 18, 2011January 18, 2011 It has been about a year since LOST debuted their final season and there are still some fans to find a sense of closure. If the final episode, or the extra DVD episode are not enough to fill their appetites then Corey Vidal’s new video may be something that can fill the void. Vidal, the guy who worked on the split screen Star Wars a capella John Williams tribute, posted a six minute short called “The Man Who Brought Us Here” which was filmed on location and using the same locations as the show in Hawaii. Hit the jump the see the video. Fan Made Work Viral Videos Corey VidalLOST
Fan Video: “Scott Pilgrim Vs. 60 Seconds” January 23, 2011January 23, 2011There is no denying it, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World has gone down as one of the most under appreciated films of 2010. But that is not stopping its fan base or me from making it a cult favorite. Edgar Wright knows when his work is appreciated, and an in… Read More
“H+ The Digital Series” Debuts Online August 9, 2012Just over a month ago, we showed you the trailer for H+ The Digital Series, a web series being co-produced by acclaimed director and House M.D. executive producer Bryan Singer. The series is about a future where many people have a device (called H+) hooked up to their brains to… Read More
Must Watch: “Pride and Prejudice” As a Modern Day Vlog Series April 14, 2012April 14, 2012Many believe the classic novel Pride and Prejudice to be one of the best stories ever told. So, it’s not surprising that we’ve seen countless retellings on both the big and small screen, as well as more unorthodox takes like Seth Grahame-Smith’s Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. Hank Green of… Read More