The Office Webisodes Return With “The Podcast” Dan Koelsch, January 24, 2011 NBC’s The Office returned after the holiday hiatus last week, and with it, we got another round of webisodes. This time the three episodes of “The Podcast” feature relative newcomer Gabe (Zach Woods) trying to impress corporate by recording a podcast for the Sabre website, but his plans quickly unravel. Watch the full web series after the break. Check out the web series’ homepage for behind the scenes videos and a photo gallery. Viral Marketing Viral Videos NBCThe Officewebisodes
Smell Like Tangled’s Flynn Rider With ‘Smolder’ November 10, 2010November 10, 2010Disney Animation has released a new video on their YouTube account for Tangled. The fake ad is a spoof of those artsy commercials for fragrances. This time, we have the cologne called ‘Smolder by Flynn,’ which itself is poking fun of Flynn Rider’s look that is supposed to woo the… Read More
Mars Goes Social Leading Up To Rover Landing August 4, 2012August 4, 2012NASA’s Mars Science Laboratory mission will hit a key moment tomorrow night at 10:30 PM PDT, when the Curiosity rover (which is the size of a MINI Cooper) lands on the planet’s surface. The last two rovers to hit Mars, in 2004, got national attention when they lasted way past… Read More
Exclusive 2012 Posters August 27, 2009August 27, 2009Sony Pictures had a tweet today in regards to “Rio, D.C. and L.A. get destroyed”. Click on the link, and sure enough, they are all being destroyed. Then again, during the apocalypse, not much is safe. Take a look at these great posters. The end of the world is coming… Read More