Could Recent Jerusalem UFO Videos Be Viral For “Battle: Los Angeles”? Dan Koelsch, February 3, 2011February 3, 2011 The blogosphere has been aflutter in the past day or so over some video clips of UFOs hovering over Jerusalem. The legitimacy of the clips, supposedly taken over this past weekend, has caused some controversy online. Skeptics have torn the videos apart bit by bit, but nothing is certain. Now, however, we have an interesting theory as to the source and purpose of the videos. The clips supposedly were shot this weekend, and they show a glowing ball descend from the sky and hover over Dome of the Rock. What the object could be is limited as this is restricted air space. Watch the videos below (via AOL News) to see for yourself.The critiques from skeptics range from the audio sounding like it was edited in, to at least one clip just being a manipulated photograph. One theory I’ve gotten emailed about is that this was made by the marketing people behind Sony’s Battle: Los Angeles as part of the viral marketing campaign. While the W.A.T.C.H. Facebook page did pick up on the story, I doubt Sony is behind this. What do you think? Thanks to Cameron M. for the heads up! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Battle: Los AngelesViral videoW.A.T.C.H.
9 – Puzzle Piece Viral July 31, 2009July 31, 2009So there is a pretty interesting viral that has recently shown up for the movie “9” – the Tim Burton produced, Shane Acker directed, CGI movie that involves a post-apocalyptic vision involving puppets made from what looks like potato sacks. If you are following the Scientist’s Facebook page (because that’s… Read More
Tron Legacy Viral: Arcade Postcards Being Mailed Out July 1, 2010July 1, 2010Comic-Con is just a few weeks away, so it shouldn’t be a surprise that the Tron Legacy viral campaign has started up again. This week, postcards for various Encom International classic arcade games were sent out to various people, and it looks like they have a code on them. Get… Read More
“Community” #SixSeasonAndAMovie Campaign Looks Hilariously Similar To “The Social Network” April 22, 2014April 21, 2014There was a time when fans of a sitcom or drama would send a massive amount of postage mail to TV studio execs to keep their show alive. But in an age of social media, we now have the much more cost-effective hashtags and memes to turn to. One praticular… Read More
the second video is a fake. I believe the first to be legit, also the other guy standing in the camera took another video and there’s also a 4th one from a different angle.
Well, we only see the ones with their lights turned on. There may be one in stealth mode hovering over your head right now.
I know it has no credibility, but I saw a very similar happening some time in between November 1994 – February 1995 or the same period the year after that, sitting on South Anjuna beach India looking out into the sea right after sunset. I’ve read about UFO sightings now and then like the average person here and there but had never come upon a sighting like mine until these videos. We (3 people sitting side by side) saw a round light (just as in the video) staying totally still maybe a few hundred meters above the ocean (or higher because there was no way to tell the distance of the light to us) . It did not move for more than 5 minutes, then suddenly different specks of light started flashing around it at different distances randomly (as at the end of these videos) then the main round light shrunk and disappeared along with the flashes. We kept searching the sky for the lights and after maybe a half an hour the same thing happened this time over the land behind us and much higher in the sky. A still round light for minutes and just before it shrunk and disappeared many flashes of light… If my memory doesn’t fail me the flashing lights were not red but white…The big round light never moved in our sighting but just shrunk before disappearing.
I see this as a totally reasonable explanation- fits the description perfectly and maybe the tall bit on the dome attracted it magnetically.
Crazy videos! Although, the second one here (the close up one with English spoken) seems off…not the video per se, but their reactions. They’re talking about it like it’s fourth of July fire works. If I had genuinely seen this in real life, I’d be in disbelief. Someone does say “holy shtt”, but everyone is just like: ooh, fun, a ufo, we see these where we live, no biggie. Ooh, look it’s going up again, how pretty. It just seemed like no one thought it was a big deal or all that impressive. It just doesn’t seem realistic. Plus there isn’t the big flash.
In the words of the late Carl Sagan, Extraordinary claims require Extraordinary proof. I’m wondering why there’s no sonic boom when the ‘object’ accelerates away?
One of the issues people that try to discredit this alleged is:Why isn’t there light being reflected from the dome. It shows they are not bright enough. A better question would be, why didn’t anyone near the dome see the UFO. Most likely scenario is that if its a UFO and they didn’t want to be detected, they would most likely have some type of camouflage that would not allow light to be propagated downward. This would be a plausible explanation. But they failed to do so on every other side, hence multiple people with multiple backgrounds were able to record it.A more important question is, what motive do people that try to discredit this have, and how are they associated. This would probably be an interesting lead to follow!
If this is a hoax, it is absolutely BRILLIANT! If is not a hoax, it means the END has begun. Two stages: 1. Deception by some the false saviors and then, 2. Return of the King
If it is real and if is a biiiiigg word, maybe it was a sign from God. Just look at all that has happened in this world since Jan 1st of this year. He isn’t happy with us!
We’re so used to special effects that real footage often looks fake to us. Thus the second less “glowy” and unpretentious video looks more convincing to me.