Facebook Premieres “X-Men: First Class” Trailer, Promises New Content Alex Gerage, February 10, 2011 Lost amidst the excitement for upcoming comic book films like Captain America: First Avenger, Thor, and Green Lantern, is the Matthew Vaughn-directed X-Men: First Class. For a day at least, it appears the film will be alone in the spotlight, because 20th Century Fox has released the first trailer via Facebook. A curious move, but one that seems part of a larger social network campaign designed to drum up hype. Hit the jump to see the trailer and learn why you should be sharing it with all of your friends.Check out the trailer below, and be sure to leave your thoughts in the comments section. At first blush, I’m digging Vaughn’s new take on the franchise, and am feeling more confident than ever about the final product. More importantly for us is that Fox seems ready to release more goodies for X-Men fans, so long as word of the trailer spreads. Check out what they had to say on their Facebook page:Want more exclusives? The more you share the trailer, the sooner we’ll release the X-App-giving you the power to customize your profile with special X-Men content.No word yet as to what extent the trailer needs to be shared via Facebook and Twitter before the app goes live, but it appears Fox is opting for a good old fashioned social network campaign to generate hype for the film. Will it lead to something bigger down the road? I don’t know, but I think it’s a smart, safe way to develop some interest amongst the Facebook crowd, many of whom grew up with the first three X-Men films. One thing is for sure, X-Men: First Class has finally entered the conversation of must see films this summer.X-Men: First Class opens June 3rd. Social Networks Viral Marketing FacebookTrailerX-Men: First Class
Download ‘The Guest’ Soundtrack For Free This Weekend September 26, 2014September 26, 2014With The Guest hitting limited theaters this weekend, producers of the film is looking for a way to get the word out on the film’s release. And what better way to do some free marketing then to hand out a free soundtrack from the film. All you have to do… Read More
Play “The Last Stand” Online Game January 12, 2013Briefly: The Last Stand is Arnold Schwarzenegger’s comeback as a leading action star, and you can get in on the action by playing the The Last Stand Shoot Out. The basic online shooter game has you defend the small border town of Sommerton Junction from drug lords. Try it out… Read More
HGTV and Disney Create “Electrifying Garden” At Comic-Con July 10, 2012If you’re going to San Diego Comic-Con this week, then you are in a visual treat courtesy of Disney and HGTV. The two have teamed up to transform the Hilton San Diego Gaslamp Quarter lawn into an “Electrifying Garden” inspired by Disney’s Frankenweenie. We will include this and the film’s… Read More