Movie Rights For “Dead Island” Goes From Sold To Not Sold Michael Lee, February 21, 2011February 21, 2011 The movie blogs erupted when it was reported that Sean Daniel, movie producer of 20 years, purchased the rights to produce Dead Island after the announcement trailer went viral. This reaction might of caused some confusion for the game’s publisher Deep Silver, because they never sold the rights to anyone to make the movie based on the game. As a result they put out a press release stating that the movie rights have not been sold. “We are looking for quality above all else for a movie based on Dead Island,” says Klemens Kundratitz, CEO of Koch Media (parent company of Deep Silver). “We want to do it the right way as film realizations of games (or vice versa) usually fail to deliver what the fans were looking for.” The goal, according to Kundratitz, is to “work with someone who already has a proven track record with blockbuster movies.” That doesn’t necessarily rule out Union Entertainment, which was rumored to have already purchased the rights, but it sounds like the IP-holder is still evaluating all potential silver-screen suitors.”Dead Island’s trailer did look incredible at first. Intense sequences, a great score, near flawless animation, but it would be been ridiculous to know that the rights to produce the movie were sold after Deep Silver released the announcement trailer. So don’t expect the rights to be sold any time soon, even after the game is released later this year.You can check out the trailer below and leave your comments in the comment section. News Viral Marketing Dead Island
Win A $1 Million If You Throw 100 MPH At Disney’s “Million Dollar Arm” Pitching Contest April 22, 2014Million Dollar Arm is based on JB Bernstein’s travels to India to find new baseball talent in hopes of keeping his sport agency alive. In a country known more for the sport of Cricket than baseball, he found two exciting pitching prospects thanks in part to a reality show competition… Read More
“Don’t Go Too Far or You’ll Miss it…” April 3, 2011April 3, 2011Tonight while tweeting about the “Agents on a Mission” tour, I stumbled upon what appeared to be just a bunch of Twitbots spamming, trying to get unlucky users to access a malware site. Being the cocky Macbook user that I am (we don’t get viruses), I decided to follow the… Read More
“The Social Network” Kicks Off Award Season With Three Wins December 3, 2010There a time in which The Social Network, David Fincher’s drama about Mark Zuckerberg’s creation of Facebook, was a joke. However, since it’s release, the film has generated a lot of buzz, including amonst critics. Thus, it isn’t too surprising that the Sony Pictures film did so well at this… Read More
The game trailer looks freakin’ awesome. Early write-ups on those lucky enough to have seen some alpha and beta work are quite promising too. Can’t wait to see how the game ultimately looks.