Watch Nike’s “The Black Mamba” Short Film Starring Kobe Bryant Dan Koelsch, February 21, 2011 Earlier this month we told you about Robert Rodriguez’s short film for Nike called The Black Mamba. Starring Kobe Bryant and with several cameos, including several Rodriguez regulars, the film debuted online this weekend for the NBA All Star Break. Check out the full video after the break. Let us know what you think of the promotional short film in the comments below. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Kobe BryantNikeRobert RodriguezShort film
New Moon Trailer May 31, 2009May 1, 2010I know what you’re thinking. Dan, why do you care about New Moon? Well, for one, the Twilight saga books were pretty good. The film fell below it’s potential, but with a bigger budget and new director, I’m hopeful. I also liked the actors who played the characters. So, there’s… Read More
Viral Video: Wax On, F*ck Off with Ralph Macchio June 10, 2010June 10, 2010With the The Karate Kid remake coming this weekend, you may be wondering what happened to the original Karate Kid, Ralph Macchio. Fortunately, Funny or Die has decided to humorously answer that question in a video directed by Todd Holland, written by Chris Kula and Chad Carter, and starring Macchio… Read More
Revival Campaign for “Invader Zim” gets Noticed December 13, 2011Fans of Nickelodeon’s Invader Zim (including myself) have pushed, pressed, begged, and did just about what any fandom would do to revive a show. Now our efforts are almost rewarded. Movieviral has received a letter from the admin-assistant from “Operation: Head Pigeons” in response to my previous article on Invader Zim back… Read More