Check Out These Hip Hop Remixes From “Moon” Dan Koelsch, February 23, 2011 Duncan Jones’ Moon is a pyschological thriller that combines the creepiness and quiet of both space and loneliness. The music composed by Clint Mansell fits the 2009 film beautifully, and now “remixist” Max Tannone has done his thing to the score, along with some bits of dialogue from the movie’s lead Sam Rockwell. Listen to how it turns out after the break. The five songs feature Brooklyn rapper Richard Rich and obviously change the original meaning of the music, but I still think it sounds pretty decent. What do you think?Selene by Max Tannone Source: Screened Viral News MoonMusicRemix
Great 7 Minute Video Shows The Cinema of 2009 December 24, 2009March 29, 2011Just in time for the holidays and the end of the year, we have a great user-created video that nicely highlights the films from 2009. Cut together with some solid tunes, this uber-music video is definitely worth a nostalgic look: The video was created by YouTube member Kees van Dijkhuizen,… Read More
Official Website for “Space Jam” Still Exists In Original Condition December 29, 2010December 29, 2010Come along with me on a journey to an archaeological site that’s been unchanged for ages. I’m not talking about a real location in the middle of the Sahara desert, I’m referring to Warner Bros’ official website for Space Jam, created back in 1996. 14 years later, the site has… Read More
Kevin Smith’s ‘Tusk’ Gets A Medical Marijuana Dispensary Tie-In September 8, 2014January 15, 2023Kevin Smith isn’t one to be afraid to kiss and tell about his use of weed. Most of the time the characters in his films are using it. And now in the wake of Washington and Colorado legalizing weed, plus 23 other states legalizing it for medicinal purposes, Smith has… Read More