Two New Documents Appear On “Apollo 18” Site Dan Koelsch, March 1, 2011March 1, 2011 When we last left off with the Apollo 18 secret webpage , we saw the T-Minus checklist for the also-secret Apollo 18 launch. Now we have two new documents, one relating to a Russian moon mission, and one about installing something. Get all the details after the break. In the 1970s, the Soviet Union sent unmanned rovers to the moon during the Lunokhod program. Lunokhod 2 was sent in January of 1973 and lasted about four months until it overheated from lunar dust getting on its radiator. It covered about 23 miles, the most ever for any robotic rover at the time. The document “lunokhod” at the Apollo 18 site, however, shows that the US Government intercepted a letter from someone at the Russian aerospace company Lavochkin to a Soviet political figure that states that something more mysterious happened and that the whole overheating explanation was just a cover-up. The latest document (“lunar_f_optic”) is a letter from the National Reconnaissance Office in Washington to NASA authorizing the use of at least one secret camcorder on an upcoming mission. There’s even a part number given that is searchable online. As you might have put together by now, this is all referencing the camera seen in the trailer for Apollo 18. The whole marketing of the film is based on the premise that this movie is really just raw footage recently found, so this helps support the image. If you wish to see the documents yourself, the password is the same as usual for “lunokhod” (“vbg”), and the new password for “lunar_f_optic” is “lunokhod” (original, right?). See anything else interesting in the documents? Let us know in the comments! For our entire coverage of this sci-fi thriller, check out the Apollo 18 Viral Page. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Apollo 18
Official Super 8 Trailer Now Online! May 11, 2010May 11, 2010Paramount has released an official online version of J.J. Abrams’ Super 8 trailer, and let me tell you, it looks much better in high definition than it did bootlegged. As Alex from FirstShowing mentions, there’s strangely some extra footage at the end that’s just black and has no sound (that… Read More
New UK Food Truck Feeds Your Inner Zombie [And Promotes Release Of “The Walking Dead” Season 2 DVD] August 30, 2012The food truck craze may have hit a few years ago, but it has yet to hit its peak. The entire country has become so enraptured with this food out of a truck craze, that everyone else outside of the United States also wants in on the action. Everyone knows… Read More
Viral Video Round-Up: Final Shot Montage, The Dark Knight Legacy, Wake Up Juice, “Breaking Bad” Musical And More! September 22, 2013The Internet is full of videos related to movies and television, whether they be fan made, studio made, or somewhere in between. We regularly bring you the best, most interesting, or just plain weirdest. In this week’s edition: Final moments of some of the most iconic films of our time;… Read More
Uh can I be critical of you guys here? There is NO LINK to the website at all! You mention the “viral webpage” and “Apollo 18 site” but never link to it ONCE… anywhere in this post at all!! Look, I understand the SEO trend nowadays is to only link yourselves, I get it, but come on… Where is the link to I spent 10 minutes searching pages on your site on all kinds of pages and couldn’t find a single link to that site anywhere?!?!?On the topic of this particular viral, how did you get these documents? Why is there no extended explanation? I’ve been on the website, but I don’t know how to access any of the files or do anything. I can’t click anything. And I came here to read about what to do and some instructions, but you guys have no explanation. Look, I love virals and I love what you guys do, but if I can be constructively critical, you really need to put more explanation and links so that the viral actually makes sense for those trying to join in. Just voicing my opinion.
You are a complete idiot, go away. I don’t need to speak in support of what it takes to make and run a website like this. So shut the hell up and stick to youtube. Instead of asking for links type the address in your browser yourself lazy ass.
Thanks for the input, Alex. I apologize for forgetting the passwords and the direct link. The article has been updated accordingly. If you need more information on the viral campaign, please see our Apollo 18 Viral Page –
Blair Witch Project all over again! convine people this is a real event and they’ll flock to the theaters.
This website is just one big jumbled mess! There are so many things that i could say, “that’s obviously false”, but then I come to another document and i say, “this could really have some truth for it”. This movie is obviously not real lost footage, but somebody did some actual research to make people like us look into it and have amusement! The first thing that I interesting were all the names. So far NOTHING comes up on the names, but there is the Lunokhod doc that talks about the “strange nature” of the loss of communication with Lunokhod 2. If you don’t know what this is, then look it up. I did, and it says here that it is historically known as the furthest traveling rover on another celestial body. The story is that its lid scraped the side of a crater and got to much dust in it and ended up losing the capability to cool itself. But how is the lid going to scrape the side of a crater? the lid wasn’t that wide and there isn’t a such thing as a vertical crater! And if there is, what in the hell were the scientists doing driving their expensive toy in such a dangerous place? This is why this document intrigues me so much. It really help me look at the L-2 mission in a different way.The next photo was interesting because it showed that there was in installation of fiber-optic cameras on something (for lack of a better word) and all footage recorded would be not be allowed to be released. The next photo after talks about initiating some sort of air force regulation “55-88” WHICH IS A REAL REGULATION FOR “VITAL INTELLIGENCE SIGHTING”S! This is very interesting. I looked it up and it is in fact a public document saying that if any unknown land, sea, or air vehicles are found and could possibly be of threat, the situation is to be immediately reported. This document is, in fact, a report of a “vital intelligence sighting”. The redacted names and dates obviously make it hard to determine what this means, but at least we know that there was once a use for the 55-88 regulation and the JANAP 146 directive. This makes no sense what so ever; hence forth i continue reading. NOW this begins to get phony. Here there is an on-board voice transcript of the presumed “Apollo 18” Mission. I can already tell you that either this is hard evidence of the truth or is fake. This alone takes us back to the basics of being a historian: is this source reliable? I have no idea to tell you the truth. I don’t know where these documents came from but i can tell you right now that if this REALLY is from Apollo 18 then ding-ding we have a winner. I recall this exactly in the movie but this means nothing. If anybody can verify this document as a RELIABLE source then we have something. But right now, to me, this is all apart of the illusion and the fun; it’s all for amusement. Very interesting though. I will have to continue researching.Please tell me your ideas. Thankyou.