First Video and Images From Upcoming ‘Toy Story’ Short Revealed Dan Koelsch, March 7, 2011March 7, 2011 Ken was the breakout star of Pixar’s Toy Story 3, both on screen and during the marketing campaign. Now he and Barbie are back for the short “Hawaiian Vacation”, which will debut in front of Cars 2 in theaters. Sure, we’ve told you this before, but after the break we have the first video and images from the short. Here is the official trailer: Here are the high-res images (click for full size): Let us know what you think of the short. Will it live up to the standards of the feature films? Cars 2 releases in theaters in 3D on June 24th. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Cars 2PixarToy Story 3Viral video
The Office Updates Webisode Site, Series to Premiere October 28th October 24, 2010A few weeks back, we reported on NBC’s announcement of the new The Office webisode series titled, “The 3rd Floor.” The series centers on a horror film that several members of Dunder Mifflin put together. A viral site for the project went live at the time of the announcement, but… Read More
This Week In Viral – Star Trek Dance Party Edition April 12, 2009March 23, 2010Good news and bad news. Good news: Star Trek viral is back in action. Bad news: It’s in the form of dance parties. A few weeks ago, Trek Movie reported on an event at the Hollywood club LAX. However, it wasn’t just any party. One of the photos show a… Read More
Exclusive IMAX ‘Star Trek Into Darkness’ Preview Attached to ‘The Hobbit’ November 14, 2012November 16, 2012For months now, fans have eagerly awaited a look at official footage from J.J. Abrams’ follow up to the 2009 hit, Star Trek, and now they will get more than they’d hoped for! Warner Bros. and Paramount Pictures will team up in a mutually beneficial venture and present a 9-minute… Read More