Rocket Poppeteers Sends Out ‘Fleet Assessment #1’ Caleb Hamilton, March 23, 2011 The Super 8 ‘Rocket Poppeteers’ viral has been silent for a while. Before the site went down for renovations last month, those who signed up for the Astronaut Training Program were sent certificates showing that they had been accepted into the program. Today, Astronaut Trainees were sent an email about updates to the program. Hit the jump to find out what that email contained. The email contained the following message:Do your Fleet proud!Answer these questions successfully to add points to you and your Fleet’s total and improve your chances of earning the designation: Rocket Poppeteers Astronaut! Fleets with high scores earn extra responsibility within the Poppeteers family. You may even receive special recognition from Captain Cooper himself!Trainees were then instructed to follow a unique link to fill out their first “Fleet Assessment”, which has the same questions for everyone (this is my link, with test already submitted).The guys over at Unfiction figured out that the questions in the assessment are based on previous clues from the Poppeteers ARG, though the “correct” answers are unknown right now. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Rocket PoppeteersSuper 8
How To Turn a Regular Ad Viral: 11 Creative Billboards November 24, 2009November 23, 2009It’s hard to get your brand recognized nowadays with all the advertising noise out in the world, the Internet, and TV. Thus, you need to find a way to separate yourself from the bunch. ARGs and viral campaigns are one way to do that, but you can do it on… Read More
My iPhone Has Gone “Crazy”! January 8, 2010February 18, 2011With all of the viral that has been popping up lately, including websites and Twitter accounts, it’s only fitting that they move onto an untapped market of iPhone apps! Thanks to ShockTillYouDrop, we now know of said app. Read More
Help Choose The Ending of the “Clue”-centric 100th Episode of the TV Show “Psych” March 25, 2013To celebrate the 100th episode of the long-running USA comedic detective series Psych, they’re allowing fans to dictate how the show ends live on the air. To find out more about the episode and how you can participate in the vote this Wednesday, hit the jump for details. Read More
I received the mail and answer the test. On my post you can see complete image of test