“Don’t Go Too Far or You’ll Miss it…” Caleb Hamilton, April 3, 2011April 3, 2011 Tonight while tweeting about the “Agents on a Mission” tour, I stumbled upon what appeared to be just a bunch of Twitbots spamming, trying to get unlucky users to access a malware site. Being the cocky Macbook user that I am (we don’t get viruses), I decided to follow the URL. Exactly what is “it” that you’ll miss if you go too far? Read on to find out…I followed this web address: www.cars-n-deals.com (don’t worry, I’ve already checked it out) and was redirected to Disney/Pixar’s Youtube page.If you watch closely, you’ll quickly realize that something isn’t quite right in the video below. You may even catch a few blatant Pixar references and clues to what is really going on.Listen closely to the lyrics of the “Cars N’ Deals of Emeryville” jingle (or read them below):Cars N’ Deals of Emeryville Just take the big highway West then East Exit Finn road take the nineteenth left Drive about six miles But don’t go too far or you’ll miss it Don’t go too far or you’ll miss itSo what does it mean, “don’t go too far or you’ll miss it…”? Of course this could just be reminding you that if you aren’t looking carefully, you’ll miss the dealership. But of course, if you’re a super spy like Finn McMissile, you’ll quickly catch on and realize that the song is telling you that you’ll miss the next clue. Close to the end of the video there is some distortion that you may not have caught that the first time around. Go back and pause at the :57 mark.Study the paused image and you’ll see another web address: www.chromeA113.com. Once again, it’s safe to type that into your address bar. You’ll once again be redirected to Disney/Pixar’s Youtube page, but a find a different video playing:Pretty neat huh? It looks as though Disney/Pixar is going the Toy Story 3 viral video route.Cars 2 opens in Disney Digital 3D, IMAX 3D and 2D on June 24th Viral Marketing Viral Videos Cars 2ChromeA113DisneyViral marketingViral video
Tron Legacy: Viral Site Unlocks More Answers, Questions March 25, 2010December 3, 2010A new viral site for Tron Legacy has been discovered within the ArcadeAid.com website. The site, Cheat Code, allows members to enter the names of Encom employees and get their password and username to login into the Employee Intranate. Once logged in, players can sift through emails sent between various… Read More
New Viral Posters for “Total Recall” Include Anti-Rekall Group June 20, 2012July 8, 2012Earlier this month, posters for the fictional company Rekall began popping up in Hollywood and likely other cities. The posters link to the memory vacation company at the heart of Total Recall. SuperHeroHype found more posters online, including one with star Colin Farrell for No Rekall, the group that is… Read More
Salt: Day X Exists Mission 4 Now Live June 9, 2010As we previously reported, Columbia Picture’s Salt, starring Angelina Jolie, has an interactive story you can participate in at their official website. Every week there is a new mission, and last week Salt needed you to hack into a file being exchanged by Day X agents. This week, you’ll have… Read More