Play the “Priest” Online Game in 3D! Caleb Hamilton, April 11, 2011April 11, 2011 Have you ever wanted to slay bloodsucking vampires? Well now you get your chance! Screen Gems’ Priest is due out next month and they’re just beginning their online marketing campaign. Today an online game based on the film was launched that you can play in 3D! Read on for more. The Priest in 3D Online Movie Game is a three level, single player game that allows the player to play as either the Priest (played by Paul Bettany in the film) or the Priestess (Maggie Q). You may also choose to play in enhanced 3D or standard 2D. In order to play the 3D version, you will need a pair of anaglyph (Red and Blue lens) 3D glasses. I’m sure you’ve got a pair laying around your house, if not, don’t worry: The 3D doesn’t really add much to the experience of the game, it’s just a nice touch since the actual movie will be presented in Digital 3D.The game itself is pretty easy to play. You have three “chapters” to play through, each with two vampires to kill. It’s a side scrolling fighting game like Mortal Kombat or Street Fighter. Before you play each level, you watch a video, much like a motion comic, that gives some background. They also introduce you to your enemy and give you hints about the level. Once you beat each level, you are awarded badges that tell you what achievements you’ve unlocked. After the first level, you are also awarded a new weapon. You can share these achievements on Facebook.Priest opens May 13th in Digital 3D. Viral Marketing online gamePriestScreen Gems
First “Looper” Mission Reveals New Image, Plus New Viral Website for Maxx Labs August 22, 2012As we warned you last week, today was the first Looper Network mission, and the reward was a production image from the film. Get the details after the break. Read More
Not Like Mike: The Jordan-Utah Flash Fiasco December 11, 2009In what may be the first major viral marketing event in the history of sports (at least to my knowledge), the NBA Developmental League’s Utah Flash is reaping the success (and failure) of an elaborate campaign. Ryan Corazza has the scoop at ESPN. Apparently, Flash flans were under the assumption they were… Read More
Kaiju Body Parts Sent to Film Blogs for “Pacific Rim” July 11, 2013Kaiju organs are big business in the world of Pacific Rim and in a pretty cool viral campaign just before this film opens nationwide this Friday, black market business man Hannibal Chau has sent out some rather interesting items to an assortment of internet establishments to help promote his entrepreneurial… Read More