Play “The Amazing Spider-Man” Online Game Dan Koelsch, June 9, 2012 The Amazing Spider-Man video game doesn’t come out for a few weeks, but if you’re itching to play as Peter Parker, Sony has a solution to wet your appetite. The Amazing Spider-Man Online Movie Game lets you play as the webbed menace for four levels as you fight thugs, learn moves, and build up your costume. At the end, you fight the movie’s villain, the Lizard. The side-scroller is pretty basic (a bit buggy on my Mac laptop), but it’s a good time waster. Like most of these online movie games, you need to connect through Facebook, and you get extra moves for sharing your achievements. To follow our coverage of the film’s viral campaign, click here. Social Networks Viral Marketing online gameThe Amazing Spider-Man
Chris Klein Parodies His Leaked Audition Tape May 27, 2010May 27, 2010Talk about a good sport. Chris Klein has made a video for Funny or Die that parodies a video of his unflattering audition that leaked last week. It’s actually really funny, and seems to prove the original was real, as it looks like he’s trying to make the best of… Read More
HitRECord Kicks Off Tour and Makes Big Announcement November 14, 2012Editor’s Note: hitRECord is an online collaborative production company founded by actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt. The following is a review by friend of the site Jackie Tuttle of the first night of the organization’s “On the Road” Fall tour. I will not kick a fan girl in the shins… I will… Read More
This Week In Viral – New Forum Edition April 19, 2009March 27, 2010With our forum going through a transition phase during our upgrade, getting all the viral info is a bit complicated, so here’s just a brief review of some updates this week. Read More