Mortal Kombat Web Series Debuts First Episode Dan Koelsch, April 12, 2011 After Kevin Tancharoen’s self-made Mortal Kombat short film spread like wildfire on the Internet, Warner Brothers and Machinima teamed up with Tancharoen to produce a ten episode web series based on the film. Now the highly anticipated first episode is finally online as of midnight, and it’s already gotten over 2,500 Likes and 1,000 comments on YouTube. Check it out for yourself after the break and let us know what you think.Most of the cast (known mostly through their television roles) has returned, and you can get more details on the series from Geek Tyrant. Viral Marketing Viral Videos Mortal Kombatweb series
Nathan Fillion and Others Use Twitter To Tease New Joss Whedon Project October 24, 2011It’s hard to keep a secret in Hollywood, especially when big names are involved. It’s rare to not even know that a film is in the works until principal photography is complete, but we have just that with Joss Whedon’s latest project titled Much Ado About Nothing. Find out more… Read More
SNL Rips on Newt Gingrich, NFL, Guy Fieri, and More February 5, 2012NBC’s Saturday Night Live had a new episode last night featuring Channing Tatum as host. There were plenty of TV and movie-related skits, so see them all after the break. Read More
Mystery Video Could Be Viral Marketing For Monster Movie or Something We’ve Seen Before October 17, 2012October 18, 2012Peter over at /Film got a weird text message yesterday with an even weirder video attached that shows some kind of humanoid creature. Could this a viral marketing ploy for an upcoming film? While it’s probably not Cloverfield, we do have an idea. Details after the break. Read More