Peter Jackson Starts Production Vlogs For “The Hobbit” Dan Koelsch, April 15, 2011 When Peter Jackson was directing The Lord of the Rings trilogy starting in 2000, he would periodically post video blogs from the set of the films. At the time, it was a rather innovative idea, considering YouTube was years away, and video sharing on the Internet as a whole was limited at best. While it may not be as revolutionary now, getting to go behind the scenes in an almost real-time fashion is still a treat. After the jump, check out his first video blog from the set of his Rings prequel The Hobbit, which was revealed on Jackson’s Facebook page. Part 1 of The Hobbit opens in theaters on December 19th, 2012. Many of the cast from the Rings trilogy will return, including Andy Serkis as Gollum. Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral Videos The HobbitThe Lord of the RingsViral video
Dreamworks’ “Puss In Boots” Gets a Motion Poster August 24, 2011August 24, 2011While many may think that the Shrek series has run its course, Dreamworks figures it can wring out some more money with Puss In Boots, a prequel spin-off focused on the lovable sword fighting cat voiced by Antonio Banderas. Dreamworks has released a motion poster for the film, and its… Read More
“Star Wars Rebels” Art Attack Short Shows Off An Explosive Sabine August 18, 2014August 18, 2014New Star Wars Rebels shorts are being released in anticipation for Disney XD’s upcoming animated series. The film takes place after the events of Clone Wars but before Episode IV: A New Hope, and centers on a group of rebels whose actions will spark the the creation of the Rebel… Read More
Could This “Jurassic World” Brochure Be A Part Of Some Sort Of Viral Marketing July 14, 2014July 14, 2014There is no shortage of anticipation for Colin Treverrow‘s Jurassic World. The film crew has embraced the world of social media by posting teasers to get fans and followers amped up for the sequel. We recently saw just how bloody Jurassic World can get. And now we can get a… Read More