You Might See Warning Signs for “The Darkest Hour” Dan Koelsch, December 1, 2011 Summit Entertainment is hoping to replicate the success of Sony’s District 9 viral campaign by creating and supposedly posting warning signs for the alien monsters featured in the upcoming horror film The Darkest Hour. Check out all the signs, courtesy of First Showing, after the break. (Click for full size)The Darkest Hour is an alien invasion movie set in Moscow, where five young people lead the charge against the enemy. As the signs allude to, the aliens are invisible and shoot out electricity. Apparently, they like to attack dogs specifically, as we also see this happen in the trailer. We haven’t heard of anyone actually seeing these signs in the wild, so let us know if you do!Emile Hirsch and Olivia Thirlby star in The Darkest Hour, directed by Chris Gorak and written by Jon Spaihts. The 3D film opens in theaters on Christmas Day. Follow the film on Facebook. Viral Marketing The Darkest Hour
Dan’s High Five: 5 Ways to Accidentally Start a Zombie Apocalypse October 18, 2009June 8, 2010There are a lot of ways to create a zombie. So many, in fact, that many films don’t even show you how a zombie infestation started. They leave it to your imagination, which is usually a good thing, because it’s hard (and usually boring) to show how it all starts…. Read More
Writer Damon Lindelof Talks About “Prometheus” Viral Campaign August 4, 2012August 4, 2012The Wall Street Journal has a really interesting interview with Prometheus writer Damon Lindelof about the film’s viral campaign. The campaign kicked off with the TED conference video and focused on Weyland Corp., the company funding the trip. WSJ’s interview focuses on the various viral videos put out, including ones… Read More
Project Prometheus Website Updated With Hope of Three More High-Res Images March 27, 2012March 27, 2012The Project Prometheus website, which is part of the viral campaign for Ridley Scott’s Alien prequel Prometheus, has been updated to include all the high resolution images we’ve discovered so far and the promise of three more on the horizon. Get the details after the break. Read More