Viral Video Round Up: X-Men: First Class, Star Wars, Drive: The Cartoon, Mark Duplass, Chipmunks, And More! Zach Oldenburg, December 5, 2011December 5, 2011 Is this how X-Men: First Class should have ended? I love this movie but it makes perfect sense. Remember when Seth Rogen, Emma Stone, Bill Hader, and assorted others reenacted scenes from Star Wars? Here are the outtakes. Mewlists breaks down the top 15 television show characters that remain unseen. Mission: Impossible and an Alvin & The Chipmunks mash-up? I’m in. If you have any viral videos you’d like to suggest, then you can contact me via Twitter or e-mail me directly at zacholdenburg@movieviral.comPages: 1 2 Fan Made Work Features News Social Networks Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Video Round Up Viral Videos Viral Video Round Upvvru
Viral Video: Avatar 2 Trailer (Parody) March 25, 2010One of the criticisms James Cameron’s Avatar has been bombarded with is that its script and overall story are unoriginal. However, the mock trailer for Avatar 2 by ABC 1 in Australia assures us that the sequel will be the most original story ever. Watch it after the break, courtesy… Read More
Avatar and Sherlock Holmes Featured on Tomorrow’s ‘Behind the Screen’ December 15, 2009December 15, 2009Tomorrow seems to be the Official “See More of Robert Downey Jr.” Day, because along with Entertainment Tonight’s segment on the upcoming Iron Man 2, MTV’s series ‘Behind the Screen’ will preview Sherlock Holmes, along with Avatar. The show will have exclusive clips from both movies as well as an… Read More
The Onion Teases USA Network for Programming Similarities, Receives Twitter Response June 28, 2013June 28, 2013USA Network is home to a number of popular television shows including Burn Notice, Psych, White Collar, and many more. The station takes pride in creating an eclectic cast of characters across a range of original, offbeat, programing. As with many popular things though, the satirical news source, The Onion,… Read More