“Fringe” Season Finale Offers “Super 8” Easter Egg Dan Koelsch, May 9, 2011 Our friends at Super 8 News caught a nice little easter egg in this past Friday’s season finale of Fringe. During one scene, a print ad for Rocket Poppeteers can be seen on a building. Check it out for yourself at the 0:55 mark in the preview after the break.Rocket Poppeteers is a fictional ice cream brand that has had a strong viral presence for Super 8, though we are still unsure how it plays into the Josh Minker ARG storyline or the film itself. Obviously, this easter egg should come as no surprise, as J.J. Abrams is the director of Super 8 and the creator and executive producer of Fringe, and he has done this before.We had a similar experience to this with Slusho!, the fictional Japanese drink that was a primary focus in the viral campaign, was thrown into various other films (i.e. Abrams’ Star Trek) and television shows (i.e. Heroes), but ultimately had little to do with the film.To get up to speed with the entire Super 8 ARG and campaign, check out our Super 8 Hub. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos FringeRocket PoppeteersSlushoSuper 8
Latest Star Wars-Adidas Promo Gives You Control of the Death Star June 30, 2010Adidas has released another viral promotion for their Star Wars line of Adidas Originals. Many of you will remember the deftly made ‘Star Wars Cantina 2010’ video released earlier in the month, which seamlessly placed several of today’s biggest celebrities in the classic scene. The shoe company’s latest viral activity… Read More
They’re Here: Believers Take The Street October 1, 2010Believers in 10/10/10 are hitting the streets of England as there are only 8 days left until the countdown ends for They’re Here. Quite a nice viral campaign, as the mystery of the simple signs has got to draw attention. You can see all the photos of these “believers” here,… Read More
Conventions VidCon 2014: Andy Signore Talks Honest Trailers June 30, 2014June 30, 2014Andy Signore, creator of Honest Trailers and VP of programming of channels for Defy Media and Screen Junkies talked to Movie Viral over at the YouTube culture centric VidCon 2014. We caught up with the online video creator to talk about the VVRU fave, reception to his videos and about… Read More