Where to Find Super 8 and Rocket Poppeteers Comics Dan Koelsch, June 1, 2011 To help promote Paramount Pictures’ Super 8, two short form comic books have been created. The Rocket Poppeteers comic has been known for a while, and now we know where you can find them. Also, you can get the recently discovered Super 8 comic now, and without paying for it (directly). While some of this may not be completely new, we haven’t discussed how to get your hands on these comics. First of all, the Rocket Poppeteers comic is available as part of the film’s sponsorship deal with 7-Eleven. When you buy a promo Slurpee cup, you get a code that you can enter here to get a digital copy of the comic. There are some other Super 8 related promotions from the convenience store chain, including a Rocket Poppeteers popsicle.The Super 8 comic, which we previously noted is available for pre-order on Amazon, but now Shock Till You Drop reveals you can get it for free if you purchase another comic book.If you stopped by the comic shop today and picked up any of DC’s “Flashpoint” titles, you may have found a surprise waiting for you in the middle. Right at the center staple is a twelve-page “Super 8” comic (strangely titled “35mm Special Issue” in the Indica).Since I haven’t bought a slurpee or comic book in a long time, I haven’t read either Super 8 comic, but if you have, let us know what you thought of them, and what clues they may offer! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing FlashPointRocket PoppeteersSuper 8
DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again September 14, 2010Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community,… Read More
Viral In-Depth: Iron Man 2 July 31, 2009June 6, 2010As you may have heard from our Comic-Con podcast, or more likely from our forum, Iron Man 2 kick started their viral campaign during Comic-Con weekend. Here’s a more in-depth look at all the viral so far. The viral for Iron Man 2 has so far centered around Stark Industries,… Read More
AdWeek’s Best of 2000s Includes Viral Videos, Super Bowl Ads, and More December 16, 2009Adweek, the leading source of news for the advertising industry, has compiled their list of greatest hits of the decade. While most of the categories are for regular advertising, there are some interesting categories worth taking a look at. Their “Media” section has such categories as best Web Site (YouTube),… Read More
I found this on the unfiction forums on a thread talking about the slurpee promotion thingy: http://www.flickr.com/photos/kelwhite01/ (I’m not sure about the specific topic of the thread though, I can hardly remember. My apologies there if I was wrong). This is from a member there who scanned the pages of the comic. I have only one word to describe it. And that is “awesome.” m/ The last panel is left blank for the contest though, but nevertheless, it’s kick-ass m/