Watch the “Jackass” Spoof of “Black Swan” Dan Koelsch, January 19, 2011 Sure, the Critics Choice Awards were last week, but after seeing the stars of Jackass 3D take on Inception for the award show, you know you wanted to see their other spoofs of Best Picture nominees. Well, now the video parody of Black Swan is available online, courtesy of /Film, and it’s definitely better than their first try. Critics’ Choice |Movie Awards |Critics’ Choice Video |Celebrity News Viral Marketing Viral News Viral Videos Black SwanCritic's Choice AwardsJackassViral video
DC Comics Uses to Promote Superman-Wonder Woman Pairing August 28, 2012The comic book world was shaken briefly last week when Entertainment Weekly’s Shelf Life blog revealed DC Comics’ cover to Justice League #12, which featured Superman and Wonder Woman locking lips in a heroically intimate embrace. Comic fans have speculated the extent of their relationship, which is expected to be… Read More
Rumor: What Does “Batman Vs. Superman” Delay Mean For Its Viral Marketing Campaign? January 20, 2014January 21, 2014Following last week’s announcement that the Man of Steel sequel will be delayed until May 6, 2016, a myriad of rumors have emerged explaining why the film was pushed back. Thinking beyond how injured Ben Affleck may be, or the true state of the film’s script, a new report has… Read More
“Seinfeld Today” Twitter Account Imagines Modern Episode Synopses December 13, 2012December 13, 2012Hot on the heels of @TNG_S8, the parody Twitter account posting synopses of the “unaired” eighth season of Star Trek: The Next Generation, comes a similarly styled feed about everyone’s favorite show about nothing, Seinfeld. Run by Buzzfeed sports editor Jack Moore with help from comedian Josh Gondelman, @SeinfeldToday answers… Read More