“Green Lantern” Viral Update: New Blog Postings Respond To Audio Clip of Parallax Michael Lee, June 3, 2011June 3, 2011 We are a mere two weeks away from the release of Warner Brothers Pictures The Green Lantern, and since viral campaigns are our specialty, we noticed some activity with the viral marketing. Since our last update, we reported that Dr. Waller has been sending out responses to readers of the newtonsastronomers’ blog. Now an audio clip has surfaced in this latest viral update and it involves Green Lantern’s greatest villain, Parallax. Even the newtonsastronomers website as well as Dr. Waller’s blog posted responses about this. Of course the former thinks it is a sign while the latter thinks otherwise. Hit the jump to hear the audio clip and to see what they have said.The sound bite comes from heyyouguys.co.uk, and it is pretty amazing. In the audio you can hear Parallax coming at you (and those listening around you) from every angle.Green Lantern – Binaural Audio by heyuguysblogNow newtonsastronomers.com, says that it is indeed a sign that alien life is out there.You’re going to want to listen to this. You’re going to want to listen to it with headphones on. You might want a friend there too. And then if you’re like me, you’re going to want to ask some questions. Like how far away has it come from and why is it in English? What’s the relation with those pretty green rings? We could ask why Dr Waller was holding out on us and trying to tell us nothing was found, but I think we can all make guesses about that. Scrub that first sentence – sometimes it’s not nice to be right. When your most cynical views on human nature turn out to be true, that’s not fun. So let’s remember that you can’t trust everyone. I don’t want to say you can’t trust anyone, but that’s what I’m thinking…Obviously a response was in order and Dr. Waller simply said,What you all need to know is that the sound bite is an obvious fraud. Its clever but clever professionals (and I have me some very clever professionals working for me) can find the seams. My people assure me it’s a fake. I also have some very smart professional psychiatrists who tell me that Robert’s actions are consistent with someone who is paranoid and entering a manic phase. Robert, come on in. Let’s get you back on your meds so that you feel better. At least, check in with your doctor.She goes off to compare the audio bite to Orson Wells reading H.G. Well’s War of the Worlds on the radio.Nice to see that the virals have picked up again, I never thought WB would have the time or the budget to do this, given the fact that Green Lantern has had visual hiccups. But now that the film has been polished off, its great to know that the studio can give some time to the fans the enjoy viral campaigns. While it may not be the best one we have seen, WB has done an excellent job with it by teasing us with very small but juicy tid bits. News Viral Marketing The Green LanternWarner Brothers
Comic-Con: True Blood Comic Released July 22, 2010July 22, 2010For those lucky enough to be attending Comic-Con this week, head along to the IDW booth. There you’ll be able to get your hands on 2 limited edition copies of the new True Blood comic book that has been released to compliment the successful HBO TV show. Read More
Humorous Cheat Sheets for TV Season Finales May 18, 2010May 19, 2010It’s that time of year again when things come to an end. Schools are having finals and graduations, and television shows are having their season and series finales. Fortunately, you can have cheat sheets for the later and not get in trouble. After the break, check out College Humor‘s funny… Read More
Steven Spielberg Wants to Make a Halo Movie? August 8, 2009August 10, 2009Our friends at GeekTyrant have an article about Steven Spielberg being interested in making a Halo movie, which already has a script written by Stuart Beattie (actually, Stuart wrote scripts for 3 different films: Halo: Fall of Reach, Halo, Rise of the Flood, and Halo: Battle for Earth). You may… Read More