Update to “What Is The #Super8Secret?” Caleb Hamilton, June 5, 2011 Briefly: We gave you a quick report on Thursday about a mysterious new viral site for the upcoming J.J. Abrams sci-fi thriller, Super 8. A couple of developments have been made in the story. First, a date and time have been set for the “Super 8 Secret” to be revealed (via /Film). You’ll want to check out the viral site at Noon PST on Tuesday (6/7). The next development is comes from the site itself. Now when you access the site and wait a few seconds, the question “What Is The #Super8Secret?” fades away and is replaced with a new hashtag: #MINT. We’ll find out what this all means on Tuesday. in the meantime, be sure to check for more updates right here and on our Twitter feed @MovieViral! ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Super 8Super 8 SecretViral marketing
Star Trek Viral Campaign Explained in 4 Minutes May 14, 2009April 7, 2010Confused by the Star Trek viral campaign that ended when the film came out this weekend? You’re not the only one (read: me). Here’s a great video that sums up the ARG in 4 minutes. Read More
Compete In “The Great Gatsby” Fan Art Challenge For A Chance To Win A Trip To NYC For The Premiere April 7, 2013Warner Bros. has been pumping out a number of posters for the upcoming feature film adaptation of The Great Gatsby, but now it’s your turn to take the wheel and create your own art for the film and hopefully win a trip to New York City in the process. Details… Read More
News Mysterious Billboard Pops Up For “Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.” In LA August 18, 2014August 18, 2014With the second season of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. premiering in September, a mysterious new billboard that promotes the show has popped up on a popular LA intersection. It features the weird alien equation that Agent Coulson was writing at the end of the season finale. Check out the mysterious billboard… Read More