Real Steel: WRB Trading Cards Given at E3 That Reveal New Viral Website Dan Koelsch, June 16, 2011August 1, 2011 While we don’t cover the E3 Expo, the Comic-Con of video gaming, sometimes things pop up that pertain to our world of movie viral marketing. Such is the case with Dreamwork’s Real Steel, which shouldn’t be a surprise since earlier this year the film made an appearance at another gaming convention. After the break, get the details on what they were giving out at E3 and what new website was discovered. The film takes place in the future where robots take the place of people in the sport of boxing. The viral campaign for the film has focused on the World Robot Boxing (WRB) league, and this new development is no different. Girls at E3 were handing out WRB trading cards wrapped in WRB t-shirts. Check out some photos below, and see more at, who broke the story. The cards also link to the new viral website for the film, called Design for Chaos, which is really a subpage of the WRB website. On this page you can create your own robot fighter, including name, icon, and paint job. Below is my example, Furious George, who I tried to make into a robotic Captain America. Hopefully we actually get to do something with these designs, such as play a game or help create some sort of animation.Real Steel is directed by Shawn Levy and stars Hugh Jackman as a washed-up boxer who must train an old sparing robot to become a contender. The film opens in theaters on October 7th. ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing E3Real SteelWRB
Trailers Weekly: “The Avengers”, “Frankenweenie”, “Touchback”, “Bernie”, “Neighborhood Watch”, and “ParaNorman” March 3, 2012March 3, 2012Trailers Weekly is a feature in which we bring you the most popular and talked about trailers of the week. Sharing trailers is a classic viral practice, and trailers are still the most mainstream way for people to learn about movies. We have the brand new trailer exciting trailer for… Read More
Farewell Atlantis is on Facebook and Releases Tomorrow September 30, 2009September 30, 2009Thanks to our fictional friend Soren Ulfert, we now know that Farewell Atlantis, the faux novel written by character Jackson Curtis (John Cusack), has an official Facebook fan page. Right now there are only 78 fans, so be sure to add the page! The page, apparently created at the beginning… Read More
Viral Marketing “Personal Demons” Kickstarter Takes A Unique Approach June 21, 2013As an independent filmmaker, I’ve been a part of two successful Kickstarter campaigns, so I know how important it is to make a movie pitch that catches people’s attention. When you don’t have the luxury of having some movie star like Zach Braff or Kristen Bell behind your project, you… Read More