Fake “The Dark Knight Rises” Teaser Fools the Internet Dan Koelsch, June 17, 2011June 17, 2011 The buzz around the blogosphere today has been a leaked teaser trailer for next year’s Batman film The Dark Knight Rises. However, /Film makes some good points about why it’s a fake. We will probably see a lot of fake things for the highly anticipated film (i.e. this), so we’ll be skeptical of all news. Watch the bootleg teaser for yourself after the break and let us know what you think. Fan Made Work Viral News Viral Videos The Dark Knight RisesTrailer
As Should Be Expected, Ping Gets a “The Social Network” Parody September 10, 2010I guess we should have saw this coming. Last week Apple announced “Ping”, an iTunes-based social networking system designed around music. While there has been some criticism about whether the service is even necessary, there has been even more about how difficult it is to set up. The group Wooden… Read More
YouTube Tuesday: melodysheep July 24, 2012July 25, 2012We at MovieViral know our viral videos pretty well, so we decided to share our knowledge to those looking to expand their Internet horizons. YouTube Tuesday is a weekly feature where we shine the spotlight on our favorite YouTube channels related to movies and television. We focus on channels that… Read More
DJ Steve Porter Remixes NBC’s Community Again September 14, 2010Last fall, DJ Steve Porter did a music video remix using clips from NBC’s Community. The Internet sensation (and ESPN SportsNation favorite) is back at it again, this time in what seems to be an official manner. Porter’s latest video is to promote the Season 1 DVD release of Community,… Read More
Better but still, that font kills it really!*sigh* there’s more fake stuff for this than ever before. It’s like everyone without much of a life is going for a 10 seconds of fame route.