Must See First Trailer For “The Amazing Spider-Man” Caleb Hamilton, July 20, 2011 We’ve been hit with a barrage of bootleg trailers for some of next year’s most anticipated releases, like Marvel Studios’ The Avengers. But only a couple have been released online including Warner Bros.’ The Dark Knight Rises and now Sony’s reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, The Amazing Spider-Man! We have your first look at the high quality teaser trailer! Check it out!That extended first person POV shot at the end is absolutely amazing (no pun intended). This trailer has removed any doubt in my mind that this movie won’t kick ass!Check out a couple of images from the most recent issue of Entertainment Weekly, which featured a cover story on The Amazing Spider-Man:The Amazing Spider-Man swings into 3D theaters next summer! News Viral Marketing MarvelSony PicturesThe Amazing Spider-ManTrailer
Warner Bros. Pulls Off “Rock of Ages” Flash Mob At Fan Screening June 9, 2012June 9, 2012We’ve seen a trend lately of studios pulling off surprise promotional stunts during fan screenings of films. The goal is twofold: spread word of mouth through the audience members and hope that the video of the event goes viral. Warner Bros. recently did such a stunt in Toronto for their… Read More
Watch an Exclusive Clip From “Wish You Were Here” May 24, 2013May 24, 2013Wish You Were Here is a suspense drama about a tropical vacation gone wrong. The film opens in limited theaters on June 7th, but we have an exclusive clip for you after the break. In it, Dave Flannery (Joel Edgerton) and his wife Alice (Felicity Price) have a heated argument. Read More
Get a Free Early Screening To “Paul” If Your Name is Paul (and you live in the UK) February 2, 2011February 2, 2011Those Brits across the pond already have it good by getting to see Universal’s alien comedy Paul a full month before theaters get it in the States. Now HeyUGuys blog has a contest where Britons can see it even earlier if their name is Paul. Get the details after the… Read More