New “Monsters University” YouTube Channel Debuts Campus Promo Dan Koelsch, January 2, 2013 Back in October, we told you about the viral website for Disney Pixar’s Monsters University. The website is for MU itself, and it has a realistic college campus website look. Now MU has its own YouTube channel, and they debuted a new recruitment commercial yesterday. Check it out after the break.As someone who works on a college campus, I’m loving the detail and accuracy of this campaign. I definitely recommend checking out for yourself.Monsters University, directed by Dan Scanlon, is the prequel to the 2001 hit Monsters, Inc. . Mike Wazowski (voice of Billy Crystal) and James P. Sullivan (voice of John Goodman) are an inseparable pair, but that wasn’t always the case. From the moment these two mismatched monsters met they couldn’t stand each other. Monsters University unlocks the door to how Mike and Sulley overcame their differences and became the best of friends. Monsters University opens in 3D on June 21st.Source: First Showing ARGs & Campaigns Viral Marketing Viral Videos Monsters University
Check Out This Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles “Fight The Foot” Fan Made Short Film January 24, 2011January 24, 2011GeekTyrant has found a pretty impressive fan made short film based on the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, called Fight the Foot. Considering there’s an entire YouTube page and website dedicated to it, it’s safe to assume this will become a series, which I would definitely be down for. Watch for… Read More
Viral Video: LOST, Baywatch Style March 11, 2010March 11, 2010One of my favorite LOST fan videos is one posted on CollegeHumor years ago that theorized how LOST’s unique intro could be changed to include theme song and everything. Fortunately, someone else has put their own spin on the LOST intro, testing out how it would look if it was… Read More
Iron Man 2: Blog Gets Hold of Stark Industries Safe April 29, 2010April 29, got a nice little present in the mail from Stark Industries: A microwave-sized combination safe. What is this all about, and what does it have to do with candy? Learn more after the break. Read More