Comic-Con 2011: Saturday Blog Dan Koelsch, July 24, 2011 Saturday was my last day at Comic-Con, and I spent it almost entirely in Hall H. Check out my reactions the panels and more after the break. The first panel of the day was for Francis Ford Coppola’s TWIXT, which started at 11:45am. I got in line at around 8:30am and I was surprised to be pretty close to the front. All the buzz for that day (and most of the con) was Ballroom 20, which had the popular TV shows. I, however, wanted to see movies.Coppola was in attendance for his panel (read the live blog here), and what he showed us was wild. The movie itself is strange, gothic, and really hard to describe. Coppola told us that he had a plan to change the way movies were shown. He and composer Dan Deacon clumsily tried to show us his vision. They wanted to tour with the movie and have Deacon do the score live, as well as the narration. They could even shuffle scenes to make each viewing unique. It was pretty interesting and Coppola was visibly excited about it.Next was the Immortals panel. The fight scene they showed was pretty impressive, and I like how they are making the gods actually do something in the film, where usually in movies they watch over.Knights of Badassdom was next on the docket, and I was pleasantly surprised. It looks pretty funny, and I like how enthusiast director Joe Lynch was about the whole thing. Of course, geek god Summer Glau got huge applause when she came out, as did True Blood‘s Ryan Kwanten.The biggest movie panel of the day was for Snow White and the Huntsman. Our live blog for the event saw a massive increase in viewers, and it was actually a bit overwhelming. It was about a 1000% increase, and it was hard to keep up with all the comments, which were almost entirely about Kristen Stewart. Despite that, Thor himself, Chris Hemsworth, actually got the biggest reaction from the audience, which was nice to see. Since they didn’t have much to show (filming starts next week), it’s hard to tell if the film looks good or not. However, Snow White in full body armor has me intrigued.The Dorothy of Oz panel was probably the weakest point of the day. While it was great to see Patrick Stewart, the movie didn’t look that great, and Lea Michele wasn’t even there. This surprisingly was Stewart’s first time to Comic-Con, so he got a standing ovation when he came in, and we all sang him Happy Birthday since his birthday was last week.Kevin Smith was funny and insightful as usual during his annual panel. We got to see a clip from Red State, which was pretty brutal, but looked good, especially for a director like Smith who admits he’s not great at action. After that panel, I went to the NBC party at the Hard Rock Hotel, and that was pretty much my day.I’ll be posting a few panel videos and a bunch of roundtable/press conference audio today and tomorrow, so look out for that. Follow all our Comic-Con coverage here. Comic-Con Conventions Events Comic-ConDorothy of OzImmortalsKnights of BadassdomRed StateSnow White and the HuntsmanTWIXT
Land Deal Could Keep Comic-Con in San Diego April 5, 2010June 6, 2010If you’ve been following our coverage of Comic-Con’s potential move from San Diego to Anaheim, you know that one of the biggest selling points for Anaheim is their larger convention center. For instance, the Anaheim Convention Center has 815,000 square feet of exhibit space versus the San Diego Convention Center’s… Read More
Can You Survive ZomBcon, The World’s First Zombie Convention? April 6, 2011While I was on the floor at WonderCon this weekend, I came across a table that pretty much blew my mind. As a fan of Zombies, I was fascinated by what is being called “ZomBcon”, a convention for zombie enthusiasts. Learn more about this event after the break. Read More
Comic-Con News Round-Up 3: “Iron Man 3”, A&E’s “Coma”, “Doctor Who”, “Star Trek”, and More! July 9, 2012In the days and weeks leading up to San Diego Comic-Con, we the press get bombarded with emails with press releases about events, panels, and other happenings in and around the convention. We’ve rounded up some of the more interesting ones twice before (here and here), and we are going… Read More
Can’t wait for Knights of BadassdomAlso there is an interview of director Joe Lynch ans Summer Glau at Comic con :Interview on youtube
Impatiently waiting for the Snow White and the Huntsman panel video – Youtube has been a disappointment in that regard (like omitting audience questions, bad sound, having the camera locked on Stewart etc), so… *crosses thumbs*