Comic-Con 2011: “Tin Tin” Panel Video With Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson Dan Koelsch, July 25, 2011 One of my favorite panels this weekend at Comic-Con was the Hall H presentation of The Adventures of Tin Tin, which was on Friday. Director Steven Spielberg made his first appearance ever at the convention, and producer Peter Jackson made a surprise appearance. Watch the videos of the panel after the break. Spielberg was given the prestigious Inkpot Award and a great highlight reel was shown of his work. After talking about Tin Tin, he mentioned that they thought about making the movie live action with just a CGI dog, but it didn’t work the way he wanted. They then showed what was supposedly video of the test footage, and it had a fake-drunk Peter Jackson trying out as Captain Haddock, with the CGI dog (which looked great, by the way) showing off and getting drunk himself before falling off the pier. Jackson then showed up at the actual panel. As you can tell in the video, both got standing ovations from the audience, and the footage from the movie was well received. Comic-Con Conventions Events Comic-ConPeter JacksonSteven SpielbergThe Adventures of Tin-Tin
“The Avengers” iOS App Includes Section on Marvel Short Film “Item 47” July 4, 2012Editor’s Note: This article is an altered version of a previous article we posted today. It has been re-posted to remove content claimed to be copyright protected by Disney. Our friend Anton Volkov is always on top of it when it comes to viral marketing and hidden content. He notified… Read More
Conventions Dragon Con 2013: Interview With B-Movie Scream Queen, Linnea Quigley September 11, 2013With over 115 films under her belt, Linnea Quigley has gained the reputation of being the quintessential B-movie scream queen. From dancing nude in a cemetary during a zombie outbreak in The Return of the Living Dead to being impaled on antlers in Silent Night, Deadly Night, she’s had her fair share of memorable… Read More
Comic Con Attendees Get A Chance To Experience A “Godzilla” Encounter July 15, 2013We are less than two days away from the biggest geek gathering the world has experienced; Comic Con officially starts this Thursday, and it wouldn’t be much of an experience without a little fan participation. By that I mean virals. So one of the biggest virals to go down this… Read More